Surprise Surprise

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    Me and Dave didn't say a word to each other.  Although, he had made some comments about the session. "That was the best brother, I finally love you from head to toe" I felt like I wasn't in control any more. Any where I went I felt like I was the victim. I had been hurt mentally, physically, verbally, and emotionally. It was my turn now.

    Dave threw the biggest party and I actually came down to this one. I was too sexy. All eyes were on me. I was flipping, kicking, and twirling. I was killing the dance floor until myself said "SELF" myself said "Hmm" then myself said "Isn't that Kevin over there". Yep it was. He was back for the summer and boy did those scouts build him up even bigger. He was doing something though. I walked slowly into the kitchen to see. It was him and Ashley kissing. He was going in on her. He then looked up and made eye contact with me and winked. Why was he even doing this. I left immediately and headed back to the dance floor. Nasty Girl was playing and baby did I have some dance moves for this. I hit a twirl split and a front flip to this song. All this dancing caught the only boy's attention that I wanted. 

    It wasn't Dave if that's what you were thinking. It was Kevin. He was standing with Dave and watching me put on a sexual show. Of course I was happy he was watching but I didn't know if he really wanted me this time. I was swinging my hair everywhere. I started grabbing people and began to bring them into my dance. This is where I could see the jealousy. Both in Kevin's eyes and Dave's. I wasn't putting on a show for Dave but he seem to be enjoying it.

    As the song came to an end I knew I had to top the cake. I literally did a dancing number on Emily, one of the tallest girls at school. Bubble butt began to play and it was all she wrote. I did what I do best. TWERK. I had everyone's attention. Finally Ashley walked out to see everyone watching me dance. She knew not to challenge me. I taught that cum-guzzler everything she knew. She knew she couldn't test me. I killed the floor. from wall splits to floor splits I was killing it. 

    I began to drink and we all know how that turns out. I was aggressive this time. I began to hit anyone who bumped into me on the dance floor. A slow song started playing and like usual everyone paired up. I then felt a hand grab me. It was Ashley. "What the fuck are you doing faggot? Go away." This bitch really grabbed me and asked me to go away. You know I'm fixing to go off right. I grabbed her throat and told her "Listen you ugly fuck, you can suck my dick, from the back and swallow all two thousand of my kids and eat my ass while you're at it."

    After a few moments she caught the memo and she left. I looked at Kevin who watched the whole thing and came after me. I raced to my room. It was war. I made it to my room and tried to lock the door but Kevin busted in. He walked in and grabbed me by my shirt and began to punch me repeatedly. As he was punching me he said " I loved you. I cared for you. Then you played me." After he said that I manage to say "You played me as well." 

This made him stop beating me. He began to cry. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Jay i'm sorry I truly am. Oh my, what have I done?" I put my hand on his cheek and told him that he could prove to me that he was truly sorry. He replied with "Anything". I went to the bathroom to got cleaned up. I came back and did my setup. We began to undress and he asked "Are you sure you want to do this?", "I'm positive" That was the first night I ever had sex. 

No I didn't have sex with Dave. He just wanted me to give him oral. He respected the fact that mom and dad called me their son and showed mercy on my hole. 

    Kevin showed no mercy. He was ruthless. The louder I screamed the louder the music downstairs got. He shoved himself inside of me deeper and deeper. I got on top of him and this is where everything happened. "I love you Jay", he said over and over. It hurt me when he said "Together or near" and I had to say unwillingly "Love is truly here."

 As he plowed me harder and harder I could hear the music die down and that meant only one thing. Kevin fucked me so hard I got chills throughout my whole body. I couldn't breathe. All this seemed vague to me. I went through this whole journey just for him. From the tutoring to exposing Ashley. I was destroyed by this boy named Kevin. It was now my turn. He has beat me physically but little did he know, the battle was already won, and I was the winner. I had camera's all over my room recording this fuck session.

 I wanted to make sure that everyone knew the real Kevin. I hadn't planned it, but, my plan went even further. Mom and Dad busted through my door and awed in shock and interrupted Kevin's first sexual intercourse because he forgot to lock the door behind him. I then looked at him and pointed to the camera's  and said "Now everyone will know about my UnderCover Lover"

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