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I cried more and more. "Jay? Thank heavens. I thought I lost you forever. I wouldn't have been able to live with my self if you didn't live. I just want to explain for all the things that I put you through." 

He turned over and looked at me and said "It's ok Ive experieced worse." What could have been worse than this. What could have been so bad that he skipped cutting himself and skipped taking medications and just killed himself. I then realized my thoughts weren't making any sense.

"So, how you feeling?", "Im doing ok I've hadn't had the best times healing but its all ok. How about you?" I just went on and on about how I made the team and how my favorite player was actually dating his arch enemy. "Wow sound like a party.

I just wanted to see him smile o i started telling him the stories about all his funny moments. "Remember when you tried to walk past me once and you farted and when you farted you actually shitted yourself." I seen him fly out of his bed laughing. People kept walking by and sticking their head in and me and Jay would just make faces at them and laugh even more.

 It felt good for me to see him laughing again. I felt like we were growing fond all over again. This time I had to make a promise to him. I keep doing so much and causing so much pain and trouble to and it lead to death. Death.

I looked at my phone and went to that private page and showed it to Jay. So tell me about this nigh if you don't mind. He took a few deep breathes and then gave me the run down. "Well, it was the night you and I had got into that conflict where you found out I was the one who posted the video of Ashley. I um, well. I was devastated. I was so miserable. He was drunk and I had nothing else to lose. I didn't care anymore.

Dave knocked on the door and I had already owed him a favor and I just went up to my dresser set up my camera and let them in. I might have been miserable that day but I sure wasn't stupid. I told them I would do anything they wanted me to do. They wanted to gang bang but that was too far. I told them that I wasn't having that. So I decided to just give them some head. 

Dave surely enjoyed it. He held my head the entire time and didn't want any of the boys to touch me until he was perfectly satisfied. I started to cry and that's where you could see Dave slapping me and his friends following. 

I didn't realixe the pain. All I honestly felt was hurt. I wanted to be struck down by lightning but it just would rain.I wanted to be stabbed to death but was too lazy to do it my self. It went on for about an hour. I was extremely tired. My jaw was killing me. Anytime that I was going to stop they would grab me and hold me down. When they left finally, went up to the camera and said "I'm keeping this for obvious reasons.".

I had a shocking look on my face. It was a lot to take in at once. The nurses came to the door and started whispering and pointing at me and they did it frequently. "What are they whispering about?" I couldn't answer the question myself. I just watched Jay in the bed. H e had a least 100 tubes running in his body. He was looking terrible but I knew with  a few weeks practice he would be the same ole' boy I snuck around with. 

"Well go find out", Jay may have been in a hospital but he sure was snappy. I got up and walked over to the nurses. "Is there something wrong?" They just looked at each other and then back at me and then back at each other. "Well, I don't know how to say this to you but, you kind of have been talking to yourself in here for quite some time." In jerked my head back and looked at the nurses. "Talking to myself? Are you crazy? I have a friend that's in there now, Jordan Jones." "We know sir and he is in a coma. I looked at them confused. "Well we were just in there talking, so you're sure he's in a coma? They walked in and they went over to his bed. "What are they doing? I shrugged my shoulders and Jay yelled "Find out." "OK, I will." The nurses jumped and looked back at me and went back to operating what ever they were before. "What are you doing now?" "We are going to show you that he is in a coma." I walked up to the machine and it was sure enough. He was in actual A coma. "I looked at them and then at Jay who was wide awake. "See, look he's up now and he's talking and he saying that he wants you to call his parents here now." They looked at him. "Sir he is sleeping and he hasn't said a word.

 "Why can't they hear you?" He shrugged his shoulders. I started to cry again. Was I going crazy I kept backing up until I hit the wall. I then turned and headed out . "Kev? Kev? Come back." I just ran and ran. When I got into the parking garage my speed accelerated even more. I was running my fastest. I thought it would get Jay out of my mind. It didn't I was living withe evil I had done and it was eating me alive. I just started screaming "What do you want Jay please tell me so I can help you." I then turned around and Jay was right behind me and he pushed me to the ground and said "Tell the truth." He looked so much worse before. I asked what happen and his story was the one to run for the hills with. 

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