Chapter 24: Marked

Depuis le début

His hands gripped my waist, firmly. My skin started burning up at his touch. I sent him a smirk and pushed away.

He stuck his lower lip out and pouted. I slid the shirt over my head. Once it was on, I looked up. "Tha-" I started but suddenly got cut off by Zach's lips.

His hands cupped my cheeks and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He pressed his lips harder against mine in hunger.

There was no space between our bodies. He kept pulling me tighter as if he wasn't going to let me go. Ever.

My grip around his waist tightened. I felt my back hit the wall and that was when I noticed Zach had me pressed up against the wall.

I moved my hands up to his hair and I started running my fingers through his thick hair. His hair was so much softer than I imagined. Our breaths were ragged and unsteady, but we didn't care. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even want to stop and breathe.

His arms traveled down my body and to my thighs. He gripped them tightly and lifted me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pressed me harder against the wall. I felt tingles wander throughout the inside of my body.

Our lips continued to move in sync. His lips were rough yet so soft. I lightly tugged on his bottom lip with my teeth, causing him to let out a groan.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I didn't have to think twice before I granted his request by opening my mouth. His tongue slid into my mouth and swirled around it.

I let out a moan. He tasted so good. Our tongues started fighting each other for dominance.

This kiss was so amazing and full of meaning. It felt as if I have never kissed anyone before. Sure, I've kissed a few guys, but not like this. This was a whole lot more and different. He is different.

It felt as if we were the only ones living on earth.

His grip on my thighs tightened. I never want this to end. But sadly, because of oxygen, we had to pull away.

Both of our breathes were heavy. His brown orbs stared straight into my blue ones. He leaned his head against mine and started catching his breath.

"Maybe.....Maybe...w-we should stop. If it goes any farther, I won't be able to contain myself. It's so hard not to mark you. A-And I don't want to do it if you're not ready." He whispered.

I cupped his face. My thumb rubbed against his cheek. "I-I don't want you to stop. I want you to make me yours." I replied.

He pulled his face away from me. His eyes widened in shock. His brown orbs turned a darker shade and he clenched his jaw. "No. You only want me to because of pure pressure. I don't want to push you into something you're not ready for."

"C'mon. It's unnatural for you not to have marked me already and it's my fault. We should've done it a long time ago."

I sent him a reassuring smile. "I want this."

"You sure?" He asked cautiously.

I nodded my head. A smile formed on his face. He brought his face closer to me and began whispering in my ear, "It might hurt..."

I shivered as his lips lightly brushed the skin on my earlobe. "Okay." I croaked out.

Next thing I knew, my body collided with something soft. That's when I realized that we were on his bed.

The smell of firewood, old spice, and fruit consumed me. I heard my wolf yapping in my head. She was super excited and I couldn't blame her.

Zach hovered on top of me. His arms were on either side of my head.

He ducked his head down to my neck and lightly brushed his lips against my soft spot. I shivered once again at his touch.

He sat up again and stared down at me with a smile. "You ready?" He asked.

I bit my lip and nodded. I looked at his shirt and lifted my hand up and reached for the hem of his shirt. I slightly tugged at it and Zach must've know what I was hinting because he reached up and pulled the shirt up and over his head.

My eyes widened when I saw his six pack. It was perfect. Not too muscular, and not too scrawny. It was....mouth watering. I must sound like a slut right now, but it's true!!!

My hand found its way to his chest and I started trailing the lines down his stomach with my fingers. He shivered at my touch, which made me smirk.

He bent down to close the distance between us. He pressed his lips firmly against mine. His legs were pressed up against my thighs as he began straddling me.

His lips left mine and started trailing down my jawline. He slowly licked my neck and blew on the wet spot.

Even shivers were sent throughout my body. "Like that?" He whispered in my ear.

I slowly nodded my head but didn't say anything.

He placed kisses against my neck. I moaned in pleasure. It feels so good. He sat up making me pout.

He flashed me a smirk. He reached for my shirt and started pulling it over my head, leaving me in my bra.

He bent down again and pressed yet another kiss on my lips. He tugged on my lower lip with his teeth and I let out another moan.

He moves back down to my neck and started placing warm kisses on the spot where he's going to mark.

His stomach was pressed against mine and I could feel the outline of his 6 pack on my stomach. The heat of his body radiated off of him.

His tongue made my skin burn. I suddenly felt his teeth graze the area where my shoulder and neck meet.

I heard a low growl from the back of his throat and felt a sharp pain as his teeth sunk into my neck.

He marked me.

I let out a small whimper from the pain. I could hear Dawn going crazy with excitement. Lucky for her, she didn't feel the pain.

Zach pulled away and stared at me. His brown orbs were the full of emotion.

I lifted my hand up and lightly brushed it against my neck. I could feel the bite mark against my hand.

I could already feel us bonding together. More emotion that I didn't feel before began to fill me.

I slowly sat up. I give Zach a smile and I wrap my arms around his bare body. His arms wrap around my waist and embrace me in a hug.

"I love you, Zachary. And I am so lucky to have you as my mate." I mumble into his shoulder.

"I love you too, Rachel." He whispered before kissing my cheek.


Okay, so I know I already update today, but I was so excited to make this chapter.

Not the sound cocky or anything, but I got the feels just by writing it. Anyways, sorry if this chapter is super duper crappy and a bit rushed, I tried doing my best.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! Please do the following:





Stay AWESOME!!!!

Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you all continue to read my story. You guys are amazing my little awesome nerds!!! BYE!!! <3 <3 <3

~Cheezlover ^-^

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