Chapter 32: I'll Survive

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- Parker's POV -

I dropped to the ground as I felt an excruciating pain fill my body. The rouge I was previously fighting started to approach me but I couldn't get back up, the pain was too much. Then suddenly Ryan's stepped in front of me, grabbed the rouge by its neck and flung it against a tree.

"Hey man are you ok?" Ryan looked down at me but I just shook my head. Something was wrong with Avery. Since I didn't shift, I was still in my human form and Ryan stretched out his arm so he can pull me up. I grunted as I felt half my body start to get weaker, and weaker.

"Ryan, I think Avery's hurt" I whispered and tried to minklink Meg.

'Meg, where's Avery?' I asked through the mindlink

'I don't know, she was with me and then she took off. I think she went to find Mickey' she replied only a few seconds later. Then I decided to mindlink Avery.

'Avery, can you hear me? Are you ok? Where are you?'

No answer.

"Parker! Jenna just midlinked me. She said that she was unconscious and she just woke up to find the guy that kidnapped her and Avery standing over Avery's non responding wolf. She also said, one rouge is holding Mickey and another rouge is holding her captive." Ryan yelled and I gritted my teeth. I swear I'm going to kill that motherfucker. Avery better be ok.

"Ask her where the fuck they are now!" I roared and I could feel my wolf taking over

"The garden" Ryan answered

"Fucking ass garden" I muttered as I transformed into my black wolf and started running towards the garden

- Avery's POV -

I couldn't hear or see anything. Is this what death feels like?

"Avery, darling. Open your eyes" a sweet melodious voice called and suddenly instead of seeing all black, I saw white.

"Hello?" I said but it felt like my voice was far away. I looked down and saw that I was standing, and that I was in my human form. When did this happen? I can't even feel my body.

"Hello Avery" a voice says and with a sudden gust of wind there was a woman standing in front of me. From what I could see, she had beautiful silver colored hair and an elegant long white dress on. I couldn't see her face because it was covered by a veil of some sort.

"Who are you?" I asked and she let out a small light laugh

"Well, who do you think I am?" She asked and I frowned

"Are you the moon goodness? Am I dead?" I replied started to getting scared. I don't want to die yet.

"Avery, you are...let's say, half dead" she said solemnly and I start to breathe faster

"Every being that I grant magical powers to, will go through this stage before death. This is when I strip you from all your magic and send it down back to Earth so that another person may get it" she explains and I start to hyperventilate

"Please don't! I don't want to die, please" I beg and she shook her head

"You didn't let me finish" she says and I swallow nervously

"Before I do that, I have to decide on whether I should strip you of your powers or send you back down to earth. And all of this depends on the way you died. Did you die for a good reason, etc" she said and I nod

"Ok, so, you died trying to protect a little boy and your friend instead of trying to protect yourself. I think that is a very good reason to let you live. Don't you think?"

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