Chapter 5: I'm gonna go

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The little girl ran through the forest looking lost.


“Mommy! Daddy!” she cried tears pooling in her blue eyes.


“Where are you?” she yelled, causing 4 rogue wolves to step out into the open.


“Who are you? Do you know where my mommy and daddy is?” the little girl asked innocently but the rogues just growled in response looking at their new target. They wolves started approaching her, cornering the scared little girl.


“G-g-go a-away” the little girl said trembling in fear, but the rogues snarled at her.


One wolf lunged forward ready to attacked and the little girl closed her eyes bracing herself for the impact. But to her amazement the rouge didn't touch her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a white field surrounding her. As the rogues stepped forward the shield would shock them, causing them to jump back. Soon enough they gave up and left the little girl alone. After they were gone she collapsed to the ground sobbing uncontrollably because she knew she wouldn't see her parents again. Then, she realized she should've let the rogues kill her…


That girl was me.

I jolted awake covered in cold sweat, panting heavily. That wasn’t an actual memory, why had I dreamt it? Perhaps it was a sign. A sign that I should go see my parents. My real parents. Or maybe it was a sign that I shouldn't go see them. But, that power I had in the dream, was that real? I couldn't even tell reality from fantasy anymore, jeez I have problems. Well, the seer did tell the rogues, 16 years ago that the white wolf possessed power….so maybe that was one of those powers. It’s possible, right? I couldn't over think this, I needed to tend to more pressing matters, like getting ready for school for instance. I sprang out of bed trying to forget the dream I just had. I stripped and stepped into the shower, soaped myself up, washed away the soap and dried myself. Then I walked to my closet searching for something to wear. I pulled out a long sleeved dress with a floral pattern. I quickly slipped it on and liked the feel of the soft fabric on my skin. It was a bit shorter then I would like it to be but, I was way to lazy to change it now. I applied some powder and lipgloss, then ran downstairs.


“Hey, mom” I greeted


“Good morning honey, you seem awfully chipper for someone who just discovered their whole 16 years of living was a lie.” she said looking at me weirdly


“I mean, it’s not like you didn't have a reason” I shrugged. I wasnt going to act like those non-understanding teenagers who would probably run away from home if this happened to them.


“Dad” I nodded my head at him as a greeting


“Av” he smiled and nodded back then turned back to his normal morning newspaper


“What’s on the menu today mom?” Parker asked as he strolled into the kitchen but then stopped when his eyes landed on me.


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