Chapter 31: I'm a Shit Protector

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- Avery's POV -

"WE WANT TO SEE THE WHITE WOLF'S MATE!" I heard someone roar from the outside of the pack house as Parker and I rushed down the stairs. I paused and looked at Parker who now looked a bit worried.

"You should stay in here" Parker whispered holding my hand and I rolled my eyes

"No" I gritted out and he sighed

"Please?" he asked and I shook my head no and started to walk forward. My real dad, the current Alpha of the pack was outside and across from him was a very angry Alex. Not Maddison's mate, Alex, was the Alex that kidnapped Jenna and I. As I looked around, I noticed that it was just Alex and no one else. Why did they say it was a rogue attack?

"Dad, what's going on here?" I cleared my throat and my dad looked up in surprise

"Chloe- I mean Avery, you shouldn't be out here" he said stiffly and Parker decided to come out at that moment.

"Ah! There you are. The man who killed my Alpha" Alex sneered and Parker tensed

"I came to see if that bullet killed you but now I can see that it did not. Good thing I came prepared." Alex grinned sinisterly as he raised his hand. My dad stepped back and Parker pulled me closer to him. Just as Alex raised his hand, dozens of rogues starting appearing from the forest. I guess they were hiding there the whole time. My dad's face paled as he saw the number of rogues and Alex let out a sickening laugh.

"You didn't expect this did you? This past month I've been gathering the pack, training them, so that we could take revenge on you for killing our Alpha. We are going to kill every single person in this pack and you can't do anything to stop us." Alex said accompanied by the snarling of the rogues surrounding him. Not everyone is trained to fight in this pack and there are way more rouges than our warriors. This is not going to end well.

"Please. Im sure we can work some-" My dad started

"NO! YOU WILL PAY" Alex yelled cutting him off and my dad clenched his jaw

"Come forward" My dad spoke sternly and the dozens of our warrior wolves started to come out of the shadows. Just by looking, I can tell that we were drastically outnumbered.

"Kill them" Alex ordered lowly and the rogues lunged forward starting their attack. Right away, four of our warriors died since they had not shifted yet and the remaining started to shift and attack. My dad also shifted and 2 rouges lunged on him but his big wolf manage to kill them in a mere minute.

'We need to get help, there no way we will survive' Parker said through my mind link as he slammed a rogue to the ground

'Let's go' I replied and raced into the pack house. Chaos. Total chaos was happening in the pack house. Babies were crying, some women were too, probably because their mates died, and people were just trying to run to the pack house cellar to hide with their children.

"Meg!" I yelled when I saw her and Ryan trying to help a little girl who was looking for her daddy and mommy.

"Hey!" Meg waved me over and I quickly rushed to her

"We need to go to the Silver Blood pack and ask them for help" I immediately says and Ryan nods frantically

"Yeah that's a good idea" He answers

"I'll go out through the back and run" Ryan said and Meg looks at him worriedly

"What? You can't!" She whispers and he gives her a sweet kiss on the lips making Parker and I groan

My Brother's My Mate?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora