Chapter 6: My First Sleepover

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“So, you're going?” Parker asked surprised


“Yep” I nodded cheerfully.


“Ok. So, when are we leaving?” he asked and I looked at him


“We?” I questioned


“Well, yeah. If you go your real mom wanted you to take your mate. I’m your mate so…” he trailed off


“Oh shit! I forgot about that!” I exclaimed and he laughed


“Well I didn't” he said with a grin to which I groaned


“Hey, lovebirds!” Hunter sang as he approached the table with Madds.


“We. are. not. lovebirds” I gritted out annoyed  causing Madds to laugh. Parker has decided to eat with me at lunch now. But when I reminded him of what I said this morning he said he was joining me at lunch as a sibling. Sure Parker. Sure.


“You told them?” Parker whispered in my ear and I shiver from how close he was to me. I quickly scooted a inch away from him and nodded.


“Of course I did. Their my friends” I glared and he returned it


“You didn't ask my permission” he said and dramatically looked away


“Really?” I asked with him pursed lips giving him my ‘are you serious face’


“No” he laughed and I rolled my eyes


“Wait, is he going with us?” Hunter asked me with wide eyes after him and Madds shared a look


“What do you mean ‘us’ it’s just me and Avery?” Parker asked looking at Hunter and Madds. Then they all turned to me, but before I could get a word in a voice interrupted our conversation.


“Where are you guys going?” Scarlett asked as she,  Meg and Nate sat down at the table. Then, we all answered at the same time.


“No where” Maddison said


“Movies” I answered


“Mexico” Hunter said


“Las Vegas” Parker yelled


“Pizza Hut” Meg replied


We all looked at each other with wide eyes while Scarlett and Nate were looking at us weirdly.

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