10: Memories Of A Broken Heart

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"When did you find out? How?" Estefany's questions seemed endless as the revelation of her son came to pass.
" she was in the 10th grade and she got pregnant. She was pregnant with twins but on the day of the delivery something went wrong with the second baby. I had gotten there too late they carried away and I never saw her again, never even had a funeral. She don't want people to know about the baby. When the Baby died she was pretty much done with me threw me out like trash along with our daughter, my daughter. Moved in with her hot shot boyfriend when she turned 18. Because she was a foster kid she thought she'd give back by adopting one. It was three weeks after you were committed that she adopted Ezekiel."
Fany looked at me with both grief and joy in her eyes. "Thank you for helping me get my son. And I'm sorry you lost your daughters."
"We help each other remember. And it's okay I'll be with them soon enough."
"Wait what? No! Suicide isn't the answer."
"How many times did you think of cutting your wrists at the thought of never seeing Ezekiel again."
She fell silent and then muttered," I won't let you do it. You'll find your way."
We pulled up to the house and noticed a moving van in front of it. I guess we had instilled quite the experience into the couple. Me and Fany snuck upstairs and over heard the conversation.
"Tamera you get the stuff out the room I'll get the kids. GO!!"
As Tamera ran into the bedroom Jio had gone to get Ezekiel out of the crib. He walked in the room to find fany cradling Ezekiel.
"What the hell are you doing with my son."
Fany looked at him,"Funny I was going to ask you the same question."
Jio charged at her when I had stabbed him in his lower back. "Hey there all star." I shifted the blade from left to right severing his spinal column, immediately paralyzing him. As his body hit the floor and blood began to puddle the carpet I sat in the rocking chair and said,"well big guy there goes the playoffs. "
Tamera had run in carrying bags. "Baby I'm re-" she paused as she saw the body of the man she loved sitting there on the floor lifeless.
"You killed him." She yelled at Estefany.
"I was just holding my son, BTW thank you for watching my baby but I got this. Anyway I didn't touch him." She cued over into my direction.
"I did."
She froze in fear. "You let us go."
"You said you were a parent now that Estefany came back for her son what's stopping me from killing you and him."
"Do what you want to me, just please dont hurt her."
I looked over to Estefany who had been easing over to closet.
"What's wrong fany."
"Someone's in the closet."
She pulled back the closet doors and I couldn't believe what I saw a little girl couldn't have been older than malia was.
Fany looked over to me in shock. "Cedric she looks just like you."
I walked over to the little girl. "It can't be ... " i lifted her shirt to find that she had a birthmark on the right of her belly button. "Mackenzie? "
Fany was in total confusion as she yelled out, " who the hell is MacKenzie?"
"Malia's twin sister."
"The dead twin sister?"
Tamera cried out, "Aniyah run!!"
The little girl crawled toward me and touched my cheek. I cried on contact.
She looked me in my eyes asked "Who are you mister."
She had the most innocnet eyes I had ever seen. "I'm your dad..." I grabbed her and held her in my arms for dear life.
"Baby I'm so glad you're okay."
My joy quickly boiled into anger. I turned to Tamera. "You kept from me all this time. Told me she was dead. Let's go Tamera we have some family matters to discuss. Fany had gone down stairs already and put Ezekiel in the truck and poured the gasoline in the house as I put my newfound daughter in the car along with her mother I set the house on fire with her boyfriend in it. I drove to a cliff in the middle of nowhere in the walk to Tamera out to it.
" You know what happens now right?" I asked holding my daughter in hand
"I know Cedric..."
"Any last words?"
She walked towards me and cried. "Goodbye baby i will love you and your sister today you got a new daddy he's going to protect you and look out for you. And you do the same for him. Okay."
"Okay Mommy."
"And you despite what you think Cedric you still have a place in my heart take care of her.
I looked her in her eyes, " and when you get there you take care of malia. And hey its October 3rd so tell her happy birthday for me."
She kissed Mackenzie. "Happy birthday to you too baby girl." She moved towards me and kissed my cheek. "Happy anniversary Cedric.* I shed a tear as she walked to the edge and turned around.
MacKenzie looked to her mom, " Bye Mommy."
"Turn around baby."
As the sun crept out I pulled the trigger and put a bullet in the back of her head. Her body fell graciously through the canyon almost like it was setting her soul free. I walked back to the car to see fany crying. She said, "it's almost poetic, her last moments were beautiful, honest."
"Let's go home guys."

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