2: Committed

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I don't know how long I had been out cold but when I started to come back to I saw blurred images, people in dresses and tuxes, I couldn't make their faces. All I saw was colors I was in and out, floating between consciousness.

I did however make out some of the words that they were saying the girls were in a state of panic at the possible outcome that they just murdered somebody
"Oh my god somebody call the cops"
"There was a little girl"
One girl actually had the nerve to say, "An ambulance will be here soon I'm not missing my prom for this let's go!"
And with that they all left, I looked over to the left as they drove off and saw my baby girl unconscious.
"No.." I dragged myself over to her and picked myself up off the floor.
"Malia..... Baby get up. Open your eyes!!!" I picked her up and limped over to the side walk and cried out in a raspy voice, "Somebody help." I looked at my baby and tried to gather every bit of strength I had to rush her to the nearest hospital.
My body didn't agree with me though as my effort to save my baby girl came to an untimely stop. I fell down too injured to go any further I looked at my daughter as her eyes crept open.
"Daddy... It hurts"
I cried to her, "I know baby but helps coming, they're going to make it all better, you'll be okay. "
The paramedics finally showed up and I was relieved, they rushed malia to a stretcher and put it in the back of an ambulance and we were both immediately taken to the hospital.
When we finally got there I was put into surgery,they wanted to check if I had any broken ribs any internal bleeding that could be a problem. I was put under anesthetic to ease the pain of doctors pulling debris from the 200 pound bus that ran into my ribcage courtesy of the drunk drivers. I was looking hopeful to the doctor as he leaned in and whispered you're going to live.
Two bruised ribs, one fractured and a minor concussion was the diagnosis. I was comatose for five days. Its weird being in a coma, you're stuck in a state of nothingness, you don't know if you are alive or dead all you know is that you're alone. When I had woken up the doctors told me I was clear to go. They even explained that I was never even comatose but put under heavy sedation to withstand the pain from the surgery. I looked at the doctor and asked, "What about my daughter?"

He looked me in my eyes and simply responded, "She'll need to stay in order for us to run a few more tests. She's looking very hopeful."

He didn't sound very hopeful. I winced in pain as I stood and walked over toward him.

"Save my daughter." With those words I left his side and went to the front desk to find my daughter.
I always hated hospitals they always wreaked of death and needles and poky things, these people were fucking sick, no pun intended.
I walked through the halls on the way to her room I could hear families crying to their loved ones as they spoke their last words. I walked past a room that had an old lady holding the hand of her dying lover and all the while I'm thinking this pattern is preparing me for the worst. I had finally gotten to her room and when I walked in...
"Hi daddy."
"Hey baby, how you feeling?"
She looked at me almost unaware of what was going on.
"I think... I guess im okay. Are you? They told me you were sleep for a long time."
I walked over to her bed and kissed her forehead.
"Worried about you're dad are you?"
"You're too strong for that daddy. Nothing could ever hurt you."
"Not even a speeding truck!" Chakitta said as she walked into the door and hugged me.
As I winced in pain and reminded her that the I still had some bad ribs, she turned to malia.
'Oh my sweet little niece are you okay?"
Malia gazed at her with a blank expression on her face, borderline emotionless and said, " I'm fine you told me not cry so I didn't I'm fine now."
My sister looked at me and pointed out the their was a policeman waiting outside that wanted to speak with me.
Now for you well rounded individuals who are rich fancy ignoramuses or you don't have a facebook cops aren't really friendly people. Well at least most of them.
" You wanted to speak with me officer."
" I wanted to speak to you about the night you were hit. Do you remember anything?"
" No officer I do not all I remember is walking across the street."
" Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt you?"
Before I was able to answer, his partner,the douchebag, intervened.
" Maybe they didn't see you."
" That wasnt a black joke officer, was it?"
"Of course not sir."
I can literally hear the sarcasm. It's fucking ridiculous some people who are put in power.
"Officer I don't remember anything so if you don't mind I would like to get back to my daught-"
An alarm filled the halls with chaos as doctors began running towards the end of the hall I ran to check on malia to make sure nothing had happened to her.
When I had finally gotten to her room I saw Chakitta. She had a dead look on her face, she turned to me and I saw tears fall from her face as I heard the doctors speaking to each other.
" Call it in. Time of Death 12:36am Name Malia."
I ran into her room.
" What happened?!"
The doctor walked toward me, " Sir please calm down."
I grabbed him by the neck and pressed him against the wall.
"Calm down? I said what happened!"
He explained to me that oxygen filled up in one of her lungs and her chest. She suffocated.
My grip became tighter.
" Why didnt you Pierce her chest to alleviate the air."
"There was a sixty percent chance that she would've died in that outcome."
"She was dying anyway!"
Overwhelmed I grabbed a surgical knife and plunged it into the vein in his neck.
"There's a room full of doctors here what are your chances of survival!"
The policeman came from outside and arrested me.

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