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The next morning I went into the kitchen and fany was eating. She looked over to me and said," Good morning. Funny thing I went into the basement and imagine my surprise to find a girl standing there still with no eyes. "
"Uhm about that..."
She interrupted me and said, "it was weird we just sort of stared at each other."
I became serious. "Fany we need to talk."
"She was on the bus, wasn't she?"
" She gave me the names of the other people on the bus."
"Perfect so the plans in motion."
Alejandra walked in covered in blood.
"What exactly is the plan because while I'm downstairs playing operation I feel a little out of the loop."
Fany went on to detail her plan behind the suggestion of the camping trip.
Kidnapping the seniors and driving them to the cabin that the old couple lived in.
Alejandra looked at her in amusement. " So that's your plan? Hijacking the senior camping trip. Ha." She laughed aloud. "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard."
Estefany seemed upset, "Almost as dumb as blinding someone who called you ugly."
Alejandra walked over to Estefany, bloody and angry."what did you say sweety?" She ran her bloody hand down fany's face.
As the trail of blood ran down her cheek the situation seemed to escalade.
"Touch me again and see what happens."
Alejandra pulled a needle from her pocket and held it to fany's cheek, which began to bleed. "I'm curious what are you going to do."
Fany broke the glass bowl, picked up a shard and held it against Alejandra's neck. "I warned you."
Eddie walked in and went to grab fany off when I put a knife to his throat.
"Everyone calm down. Fany let Alejandra go. This isn't the time to fall apart." I let Eddie go to show a sign of restraint, and to prove we were still friends.
Fany let go of Alejandra who had a sinister smirk the entire time. Alejandra walked over to the table and said, "You need to learn to accept criticism." She licked her needle, which had been dipped in fany's blood.
I looked over at her in confusion. "That is so unsanitary. Why would you do that?"
She just laughed. I feel that there was one thing that stood out in each individual that made us the perfect group. Eddie had that die hard loyalty truly worthy of an officer, Fany had mama bear mentality to protect her cubs, Alejandra.... Was she was just scary, and most of all me the crazy psycho hellbent on revenge. The one thing we all had in common, I mean aside from meeting each other in an asylum, is that we were all broken, but hey aren't we all? Aren't we all dismantled and dismembered in some way? How do you fix that? How do you fill the gaping hole heart?
I looked at my friends, the people who help me get to the point I'm at right now and felt different I couldn't describe this feeling the pit of my stomach but it felt good. I guess for the first time in a really long time, I had friends, I I had people that care, people that would do stuff for me would help me. That was an unfamiliar feeling to me so I wanted to take the time out once again to thank them.
" look guys, I just want to say thank you one last time before we walk into the abyss, you guys have done an excellent thing by me and my daughter and I really appreciate it. I don't know how I ever could have made it this far without you I never would have even gotten out of the asylum. But you see our job is almost done, so we can't get caught in meaningless squables now. your family we stuck together this long we survive. we help each other! We kill FOR each other. I'll be damned if we resort to killing each other. now anybody wants out the last chance to speak up."
The room fell silent as we all looked at each other back and forth. Fany stood and look me in the eyes.
" I told you I would help you avenge your daughter. I'm not going anywhere."
Alejandra stood and smiled,"you helped us. It's our turn."
Eddie walked over to me. "We're family."
Eddie reached his hand out waiting for me to shake it. I looked at him for a few moments and then I hug him.
Alejandra then put her hands on the table. " well I hate to interrupt this family affair we have a party to prepare for and I have a patient downstairs who will be the guest of honor so I better do my best and get to work making her look presentable. Bye bye guys"
Alejandra blissfully skip down the stairs, I told you she was creepy, I turn to eddie and asked him, "Do you think you could set up the cabin for me?"
"Psh I got this the key to this is speed!"
And even laughed and all that was left with me and estefany. She looked at me and asked,"What do you need me to do."
"You my friend are coming with me, so I can make sure you don't kill someone with a cereal bowl. Besides, I have to go see a guy about the knock out gas and a wolf. Come along now."
Considering the turn of events that just took place in my kitchen it wasn't awkward drive to say the least. Looked over at me and said,"I wasn't going to kill her."
" I know you weren't. But you to going at each others throats with sharp objects is bad for business. Like I said in there we're family now kill for each other. Alejandra is a little out there you know that."
" where are we even going to get a wolf?"
"I know a guy."
" why do you know a guy that has a wolf? You know what don't even answer that."
I laughed as she picked up the tank of knockout gas and said sarcastically, "I wonder what this is for."
As if she was scared to ask she calls when she looked at me and said,"How do you know Jessyca wasn't lying?"
In all honesty I had ask myself that same question. However circumstances do not allow me the time to think fully on the matter at hand. " it crossed my mind once or twice that she could be trying trying to save her own ass. But something I learned taught me that a dead man will always speak the truth as his final words."
"So because she thought she was dying you believe her."
" there's another thing. The prom pictures I went back and looked through the rest of them. The night I got hit the people hitting me jumped out of the party bus to see what they had hit. I started coming to when they had gotten out. I couldn't see their faces, but remember the colors, the dresses that the girls wore. I know exactly who to go after."
"You going to keep me in suspense or tell me."
I laughed. "Not yet."
A few hours later it was time for the plan to be set in motion. The preparation was over. We all went to the school stood in line in the waiting to get on the bus.
When the bus was fully seated I walked on. Estefany sat in the back I looked her in her face as she put on a gas mask.
"What's with the mask?" The boy next to her asked.
She looked over to him gave a wink in through the knock out gas to the middle of the bus as she sang. "Mr. Sandman bring me a dream."
Kids begin to fall asleep on the bus as eddie and Alejandra walked onto it with gas masks.
"Take out everybody else. Leave the guilty."
A few moments had gone by and we had emptied the bus of the innocent people. All that remains with those who were on the bus the night that resulted in my daughter's death. It was finally coming to an end it was almost over.

Once the gas was alleviated from the bus I took off my gas mask off,looked at the people who'd ran me over, laughed and said," ladies and gentlemen keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times and sit back and enjoy the ride. that's all folks!" I laughed as I drove the bus off the lot.

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