3: The girl in the pink dress

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I woke up the next morning strapped to a bed across from a girl in a pink dress. She was playing with a baby doll brushing its hair, I immediately thought I was dead and in hell.
She looked at me. " You're awake."
"Who are you? Where am I?"
" My name is estefany, call me Fany. As for your second question welcome to co city sanctuary, asylum for the criminally insane. What's your name"
"Cedric, do you mind letting me go."
"Seeing as how this is an asylum, first tell me what you did."
She stared into my eyes, as if she was trying to pierce my soul.
"Severely injured a doctor."
"You mean you killed him."
"Sure you can say that."
She stared at me for a few moments gave a shrug and said "yeah okay."
She began to free me from the restraints.
"Thank you."
" Don't mention it Cedric we're friends now, in a place like this friends are the things that keep you from truly going insane."
She sat back on her bed and began to sing. "Mister sandman bring me a dream make him the cutest that I've ever seen, give him two lips like roses and clovers and tell him that his lonesome nights are over"
I looked at her as she carried the tune and said "Oh honey I think the crazy train has left already"
She looked over to me and asked, " Do you think that I'm crazy?"
"Well Fany we're in an asylum, you're in a pink dress singing an old creepy song, and you're brushing a baby doll who has no hair."
She looked at me puzzled and replied, "So what are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking I know why they locked you up in the Looney bin."
As she laughed and turned around I noticed a tattoo on the left side of her chest that read Ezekiel.
"Who's Ezekiel? Boyfriend?"
" Uhm no he's my son."
"What happened to him?"
"Why did you try and kill your doctor?"
I walked around the room and looked back at her. "We're doing the whole 21 questions thing?"
She stood up and replied, "Think of it as two roomies getting to know each other."
"He was in a position to save someone very close to me and decided they weren't worth the risk. He let them die. Now what happened to your son."
"I happened."
"What does that mean?"
"Who did he let die?"
"That's not fair?
" Who...did he let die?"
I looked down in sorrow having relived that awful moment I looked her in her eyes and began to cry.
"My daughter..."
As I looked back down and tried to hide my tears she hugged me.
"I'm so sorry."
"It was a hit and run we made it to the hospital but she had too much internal damage. They said she had a forty percent chance to live and they didn't take it. So I grabbed a surgical knife and jammed it into the doctors neck he bled out. It's all my fault I couldn't protect her."
She picked my head up and looked me in my eyes. " You did right by your little girl, so dry you're eyes. You know how I got committed?"
I shook my head.
" I was in class and everyone made fun of me for being a teen mom. I didn't care until one day they took it too far. Instead of talking about me this one bitch decided to bash my baby boy. I don't care if you ridicule or bully me, but as a parent if you target my innocent baby you suffer the consequences."
"So what did you do to her."
"Oh, Well that's the fun part. So this girl was your typical head cheerleader. Ruthless cruel high school bitch, with a drinking problem. She used to sneak in vodka and tequila in water bottles. She would always bring two and drink them in the bathroom. So one day I switched out her alcohol for lighter fluid. When she walked in the bathroom I was hiding in the stalls she took a sip and knew it wasn't her alcohol so I tackled her and forced it down her throat."
"Well that was thoughtful." I mentioned sarcastically.
"She looked thirsty."
We both laughed and she continued.
"Anyway she jumps up and yells, 'You bitch what the hell are you doing', and I take the second bottle and pour it all over her. Then when she's dripping gasoline I lit a match and threw it at her. She lit up like a Christmas tree."
Normally judging by her story you'd think she's nuts. But she did it for her son. The bitch she lit on fire deserved it.
She laughs and looks at me and says, " there are two things that will drive a person crazy, love and children, and I love my son. What we did, the reasons we were put in this place were the right things to do. But to answer your question that's what happened to my Ezekiel. I was put In here he was put into the foster system. But I'll get him back. My job isn't done until I get him back."
Her words cut deep and I realized she was right.
" Neither is my job."
" what do you mean? "
"The doctor had a part in killing malia, but so did the people in the vehicle. They have to pay too. I'm going to find them and I'm going to kill them."
She looked at me and gave a smile, "I'm going to help you."
"We're parents, and roomies now, so I'm going to help you avenge malia. We just need a plan."
She was right but coming up with a plan would take delicate time.
"In the mean time I'm starving."
She gave a reluctant frown. " well you slept through dinner but on the bright side I got horror movies and hot chips. "
"We're in an asylum and they let you have horror movies, you MURDERED SOMEONE."
She shrugged her shoulders and said, "so that's a no on the chips and movie?"
"Are you kidding, toss em."
We sat and she asked so what movie we watching. I looked at the choices and said, "Saw."
After sitting through a few movies of the franchise we both looked at each other and with a sinister smirk we said, "I think I have a plan."

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