Harry's First Christmas

Start from the beginning

Sirius's smirk disappeared and a look of horror took it's place. He tugged a lock of it into his vision just as it turned platinum white. "Not funny, Lily!" he yelled. 

She shrugged and passed Harry to Remus."No one calls my son, or my husband faint-hearted and gets away with it," she said with a wink at me. "Help me in the kitchen, James?" 

"You're my hero right now, what am I gonna do? Say no?" I said, following her.

Lily's POV

I waved my wand about, watching in amazement as the feast practically prepared itself. Even though I disapproved of using magic for things that could easily be done in the muggle way, it was Christmas day! I was allowed to relax for a few minutes.

I'd been planning how to tell James about the babies for a week now and no way seemed perfect enough. Maybe I shouldn't do it and just wait until I started showing and tell him then? No, he'd be furious I didn't tell him immediately. I sighed. I guess I'll have to figure it out.

Harry was having a ball in the livingroom, unwrapping all of his presents. Remus and Sirius had spoiled him rotten! Sirius bought him a junior broom, I was a little apprehensive to let Harry fly it but James said he would be fine. All three of them wanted to see how he flew so I grabbed my camera. Much to my dismay, Harry took to it like a fish to water.

I laughed when I saw how happy he was and snapped a few pics. Harry whizzed around the room and chased the cat on his broom. "Watch out for Minnie!" Sirius shouted and steered  Harry away from her. "Sirius!" James laughed. "For the last time! The cat is called Maisy! That's not McGonagall!"

I chuckled a little to myself, even after graduating from Hogwarts Sirius was still making jokes at the teachers expenses. I guess some people never really change.

A loud crash noise disrupted my thoughts, followed by Harry's crying. I looked up to see James cradling Harry and the horrible vase Petunia sent over for Christmas in pieces on the floor. That wasn't much of a loss, I was more worried about the baby, writhing and screaming in my husband's arms.

"Shh, there there, it's alright." I tried to soothe him, getting up from my position on the floor and holding him close to my chest. "Let's see what hurts," I said, turning Harry's head towards me.

I gasped when I saw the blood on his forehead. "James! Get a towel!" I cried, being in the early stages of my pregnancy and seeing my little bundle in so much pain was making me extremely emotional. Tears filled my eyes and spilled over my cheeks as I held my baby close.

James came running back with a towel and started gently wiping the blood from Harry's forehead. "It's okay, Harry, I'll fix this right up," he said softly, bringing out his wand. "Episky" he muttered, I pulled back to look at Harry, expecting the cut to be gone, but it was still there.

I took my own wand out and performed the same spell, still the cut remained. I wiped over it with a towel, it had stopped bleeding and I would say it stopped hurting because Harry's wasn't crying anymore. But nothing was ever getting rid of that lightning-shaped scar on my baby's forehead.

After Christmas dinner, Remus and Sirius left. James and I both said long goodbyes as we weren't sure when we would see each other again. Another order from Dumbledore was for Sirius and Remus's memories of our whereabouts to be obliviated from their minds. Since I'm the best with memory charms, I cast the spell that ensured our location be kept a secret.

I was half way through washing all the dishes by hand when James came up behind me and wound his arms around my waist. "Merry Christmas, love," he whispered lovingly into my ear.

 I smiled and turned to face him. "Merry Christmas, James," I said beaming.

He took my hand and led me into the living room, waving his wand towards the stereo, I understood what was happening when the room was filled with the opening notes to my favourite song: Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. 

I rested my head against his shoulder while we slow danced around the room.

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you.

"James," I said timidly, I guess it was now or never. 

"Yes, Darling?" He asked, sighing against my neck. 

I shivered at the contact. "What do you think of our family?" I asked him, pulling back to view his expression better.

He frowned and searched my face. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, do you like our family as it is or do you want it to be a little bit bigger," I asked, worried.

He chuckled slightly. "Lily, you don't need to tempt me with more children to get me into bed," he said with a wink.

I laughed and smacked his arm. "I'm asking if you want any more children you numpty!" 

James grinned at me cheekily before assuming a serious face. "Lily, you know I love Harry and I think our little family is as perfect as it can be, if you want to have another child then I will give you that without question. Just maybe in a few years, when all this Voldemort rubbish has settled down and it's a better environment for a child," he said, tucking a loose hair behind my ear.

I smiled at him. "That's very mature of you, James. Although I sort of have some news," I said, now hardly able to contain my excitement.

"Oh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. 

I nodded. "I'm pregnant!" I shouted, James looked down at me in shock for a few seconds before it finally registered and he picked me up and spun me around. 

"This is fantastic Lily!" he exclaimed, before hurriedly putting me down and looking at me worriedly. "You'r- I mean I didn- did I hurt the baby?" he asked.

Great, now I'm back to being fragile little Lilyflower.

I laughed at him. "No! Both me and the babies are fine," I said grinning. 

He laughed before pausing, his face shocked. "Wait."

I smiled and nodded. "I may have forgotten to mention one tiny detail," I said.

James just laughed at me. "Three kids under the age of two?! We'll go batty!" he shouted. 

I giggled. "And will you still love me when I'm a crazy mother of three?" I asked, teasingly.

"But of course," he said, putting his arms back around me and dipping me. I laughed as he looked into my eyes. "I'll always love you," he whispered.

I smiled and leaned in, he kissed me with as much love as a person could posess.

For I can't help
Falling in love with you

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