Loki | My Protector

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You huffed. "I didn't do anything - "

"She attacked me!" Karen cried.

Loki's eyes widened but they did in mocking humour and sarcasm. "I'm sure she did," he said before winking at you.

You couldn't help but smile. At least one person believed you.

The principal's door opened again and he gave a stern look to Loki. "Go to class, young man."

He unwound himself before grinning. "Of course, your majesty! Anything you want!" he sang as he walked off, waving like the Queen of England. You struggled to hold back a laugh as you looked back to the principal who was going red in the face.

"Sir, are you alright?" Karen asked, sniffling.

He nodded. "Yes." He looked at you. "Come in."

He walked in first and Karen stood up, smiling despite her tears. "I hope you get expelled," she said before walking in after him. You sighed, standing and walking in after the both of them.






Two weeks of detention after school, and an apology letter.

As you walked out of the school, dragging your feet, you thought about how much better a full year of detention would've been than writing a letter of 'your deepest apologies'. But it was that, or expulsion and you couldn't afford to get expelled from one of the best schools in the state.

You heard whistling coming from behind you and turned around to find Loki loitering in the hallways too, his bag still slung over one shoulder. He raised an eyebrow at you before catching up to you, his legs long enough to make it effortless.

"And apology letter huh?" he asked, chuckling a little.

You were a little fed up at him. "Are you mocking me? Really?"

He held his hands up as a sign of surrender. "Hey! No need to get all aggressive here."

You sighed. "Sorry."

He shrugged. "All good."

You walked in silence for a while until he stopped you by putting his arm in front of you. You looked up at him, questioning. "What is it?" you asked. "I've got to go home - "

"No you don't."

"Excuse me?"

He smirked, slipping into an unlocked food tech room. When you didn't follow, he came back out, grabbed your hand, and pulled you in.

"We're going to get into so much trouble," you said, trying to walk back out. He kept a firm hold on you, giving you a reassuring, yet still sly, smile.

"Give me a second," he said. He let go and began to rummage through cupboards, grinning as found what he'd been looking for. You couldn't quite see what it was, just letting him do his thing as you stood there, checking the hallway occasionally in case a teacher came in. He took some other things too, one of which you knew was butchers string, and the other you recognised as blue tack off a poster? You were confused.

He grinned before making you hold the string and tack. "Come on." He led you to a locker before opening it.

"What are you doing with all of this?" you asked, getting no answer.

He attached one small plastic cup of what smelt like vinegar to the string, then tacked it to the back of the locker wall. Then he took the shallow petri dish that had been filled with a small mountain of white powder. You frowned. That white powder could've been drugs, for all you knew, your only consolation being that he pulled it out of a school food tech room.

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