Letter 22

159 15 2

Dear Luke,

what have you done to him?

-Calum and Ashton

Michael sat unresponsive.Staring at a blank wall.He hasn't moved since he came home.

"Michael?"Ashton asked clicking his fingers in front of him.

Michael's dull eyes snapped towards him.

"Come down to eat yeah?"Ashton asked gently.

Michael went back to staring at the wall,slipping back into his thoughts.Ashton sighed.

"Michael?"He asked again shaking the boy slightly.

Michael flinched away from Ashton's touch,staring up at the older lad with wide eyes.

"Hey hey,I won't hurt you,Mikey,I just want you to eat"Ashton softly spoke.

Michael stared out the window again causing Ashton to sigh

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