Letter 10

186 13 6

Dear Lukey,
Somebody told me you left me because I wasn't ready to have sex yet.Is that true?You told me you'd wait.I'd do anything to make you happy.

Forever Yours,Michael x.

Michael was thrown against the wall,his head slamming against it with a sickening thud.

"Luke never loved you"Jack hissed,punching Michael in the face.Michael whimpered defeatedly.

"He only wanted you for sex which you didn't give him so he left"He was punched in the stomach making him hunch over in pain.

"Y-You're L-L-Lying"Michael stuttered.

"He thinks you're a worthless stuttering freak"

"N-no"Michael mumbled,getting kicked on to his knees.

"A fat fag"

Tears started to stream down his face.

"Girly Prude"

The last thing Michael remembered was Ashton and Calum running towards him before he saw black

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