Chapter 25

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"YOU WHAT?!?!?" You scream at him.

Jack looked dumb founded and said as if he was talking to a child.

"I Marked You (Y/N) Now You Can't Be Taken From Me."

You growl at him talking to you like a child but then you see the light behind it.

No one could take you from him now.

You smile and hug him.

"Thank you." You say into his chest which quiets your words.

He hugs back.

"Your welcome my Candy."

You step back and smile. You were still mad that he did it without your permission but still thrilled that you couldn't be taken again.

Jack kinda freezes and bit then cringes.

"Slender wants to see you."

"Who's that?"

Jack mentally facepalms.

"You space out a lot don't you."

After zoning in from spacing out ((:3)) you nod.

"Figured well you'll know soon enough come on."

He smirks and sets you on his shoulders. You smile and he begins to walks towards the door. He opens it and walks down a long hall and down some stairs. He walks across the living room though the kitchen and stands in front of a large mahogany door. ((*in annoying Effie Trinket voice* That's Mahogany!!!))

"I can't come in with you so good luck."

He takes you off his shoulders and hugs you before sending off into the room.

Oh boy that was erm different. You were now in the office of a white,faceless man. He wore a black suit and a black tie. He was a little intimidating ya know because of the whole no face thing but overall wasn't that scary to you.

"So it seems you show no fear child wise choice."

His voice in your head disrupts your thoughts and startles you slightly.

"It's not really a choice it whatever mah brain tells me."

You say back a little more sharply than intended.

"Jack choose a spunky one with attitude very unlike him."

"Would you quit taking notes on me it's weird."

You say and wiggle your fingers and make a disgusted face.

He chuckles.

"This is my house child I'm not taking notes I'm evaluating you now you may leave and remember I'll have my eye on you."

"That will be a little hard Mr.Faceless."

You snicker and skip out of the office.

Ok well someone is not easily intimidated 

Still to lazy to out tro

Candy a Laughing Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now