Chapter 16

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Jack froze for a second then laughed.

"Oh y/n you almost got me almost."

You felt more tears well up and you push him away.

"I'm not lying Jack I-I just need to go."

And with that you took off out the front door to the exquisite mansion and ran to who knows where. The grass under your feet grew sparser and sparser until you where standing on black rock with red veins running through it.

You shivered knowing where you were.

Zalgo's realm

Jack's P.O.V

What just happened? Only yesterday she was smiling at me now she's so far I can't even see her. Or hear her for that matter. Oh no.

I'm going to kill that jerky red mouthed buttface

I growl and clench my hands into fists rather uncomfortably due to my claws. I would fight for her till the last drop of my candy blood.

Normal P.O.V

You continued walking on the never ending rock until you stopped and yelled out.


The ground slightly grumbled at your display and you felt those dreaded fire hot arm wrap around you from behind. You jump out of them and spin around to see their owner.

"Such language for a queen tsk tsk."

He said swinging one of those gnarled fingers back and forth.

You scowled at him again. He growled.

"I am no ones freaking queen get that through your black thick air-filled head." You say matching his growl.

His mouths frown then scowl. You have officially made him him mad reader-chan I suggest RUNNING.

And with the mystery voice in your head you ran as fast as you could away from him. With his screech erupting from behind you. This fueled your adrenaline rush and pushed you faster. The he landed in front of you. Man you freaking hate wings right now. Taking a split second turn to the left you zoomed past him. What was that ahead of you? The forest!!!! You sighed and pumped your legs faster until you heard his words.

"You step out I make him drop."

With this new found information you screeched to a halt right at the line and walked backwards into his fire hot body that burnt you slightly as you jump away from him again.

"Why do you jump away from me."

"We'll just maybe it has to do with you BURNING MY FREAKING SKIN LIKE A STEAK ON A GRILL." You growl out. ((Sorry I'm like really hungry right now XD))

He tilts his head and feels his skin and shrugs.

"Feels fine to me."

You facepalm.

"Zalgo mah friend it's your skin your NOT gonna feel it if it's burning me."

"Well how can I fix that?"


You said with a straight face trying your hardest not to laugh but what he did surprised you. He got all up in your face and said.

"Oh sweetie I'm already dead."

Dang it even his breath was like a scalding breeze. You threw your hands in front of your face and threw them around trying to deter the breath. But to no avail.

"Dang it Zalgo even your breath burns."

He chuckles this time

"Oh I know."

The arms start a-waving again and you back away from him. He then hugs you. My god it burned. You screamed for him to let go and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You struggled but eventually gave up to the constricting arms and passed out due to the heat.

Jaxs P.O.V

Something was fishy about that and it wasn't James's jacket. I motioned for Dusk and James to follow me and I walked towards my room.

Once everyone was in I shut and locked the door.

"Did you guys notice anything fishy about that girl leaving?"

Dusk replied.

"Yes she was very blunt for someone telling someone they don't love some one."

James pipped up.

"Yes very quickly and I caught lies and slander."

I sigh

"Again with the big words I did go to school EVER."

"Slander is like another word for lies."


Jeff's P.O.V

Hmmm the clown is angry and the girl is gone. I motion for BEN to follow me.

"So BEN how we gonna get her back from Zalgo?"

BEN replied lazily and drugged like as always.

"Why should we isn't she Jack's responsibility?"

"Woah Benny boy used big words." I said slapping my hands on my face feeling my beautiful smile.

BEN just scowled.

Offender's P.O.V ((didn't see that one and your about to learn why I'm a horrible person and shouldn't be allowed to ship XD)

Oh no Jaxs is mad about something. Yes I may be a tad insane but everyone can love right. Well at least that's what that crazy blue wolf thing said. Honestly her confidence in me is hot.

Jaxs barged in unannounced which slightly annoyed me but I digress.

"How much do you know about Zalgo Smexy?"

I tensed at that name. He tried to hurt her and do unspeakable things.

"Quite a bit why do you ask baby?"

She blushed at the word but kept firm.

"Because he took Jack's friend."

She smirked knowingly.

"Fine I'll help."

"Yay thank you."

She wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

She smiled.

Ok so imma try to do a spam-a-thom with updates because ITS A THREE DAY WEEKEND and ideas are simply buzzing


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