The full moon was already high, shining on the black-blue ocean. The waves from the West Philippine Sea crashed on the sand while the wind blew towards his direction; filling the air with the smell of sea salt. He sat down on the sand, hearing the sound of waves in their rhythmic pattern. He crossed his legs, placing his arm and divulged myself back into my memories.

They got out of the car, rushing into Lena's home. Thankfully, her mom was at work. They climbed the stairs to her room and they fell down like dominoes. Then they started to breathe heavily not because of running, but because of fear setting in their nerves. Santi's mind raced in finding the correct explanation. Marie looked at me. A silent glance from her eyes conveyed fear and worry.

"What was that?" Nic asked to no one in particular; but his gaze turned towards Santi.

"Pagan style. Robes, circle, infinite and equal. Pagan. Blood drinking. Chalice, Sacred. Pagan." He managed to get out. Repeating the word pagan over and over. It was the first thought that came into his mind. Repeating that gave him a sense of security, the feeling that he knew something. That knowledge might save them.

"What, Pagan? As in demon worship?" Said Nic.

"No!" Santi exclaimed, he was touchy about this topic "It involved ancient gods and goddesses and people who believed in the power of nature. Whoever was out there had a weird fascination for the archaic practice and the ancient ways. He or she is incredibly rich to afford a location that secure."

"Not that secure" muttered Lena. "We infiltrated them."

"They were too overconfident." He whispered to himself, afraid to put them down. "There won't be a second time."

"Whatever happened tonight," said Nic "-'Swear that we won't tell anybody. Santi is correct. Whoever they are, they have the resources to find us. Wherever we are in the world. For our safety and our family. We'll have to keep this a secret." He put firmly on us, then promptly collapsed on the bed.

They spent the night there, the harrowing experience shocked them to the core. Santi's world changed from that moment on. Gone were the days where he would just relaxed? Since then, he always looked at the back of his shoulders. Making sure no one was following him. He spent hours, analysing every person's body language, assessing if they were a threat. For those 2 years, all was quiet until today.

Someone shook his shoulder. He spun around, curling his fingers around his palm, ready to throw a punch. Thankfully he looked before he attacked.

"Whoa!" Lena said, putting her hands up.

"Sorry." he put his hands down, then his shoulders slowly slumped down "I'm still tense."

"Bad dreams, huh?" She said facing the ocean.

"Nope, bad memories to be accurate" He said, laying down at the sand.

"You're not going crazy, are you?" she laughed.

"I'm always crazy." He said, laughing with her. She sighed.

"Illuminati, I still remember the time when you've just read Angel & Demons. You were explaining stuff and we weren't listening."

"I moved past that. I wasn't sure who we saw that night. So I gobbled up every last piece of information I can about anything and related to the occult. I just want to survive." he said looking at the stars, spotting Orion the hunter on the sky. She stayed there for a while. As the waves were getting nearer;

"Get some rest," she said, standing up and brushing the sand from her shorts. "If you want to save the world tomorrow. You need sleep, bro." He smiled. It's been a long time since she called him that. After a few moments, he pushed himself up and walked towards the cottage.

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