Elaina didn't know what to do, what to believe, or even what to think. She was at a complete loss for words.

They reached the truck just before the sun was ready to set. Elaina shuffled off the beast and gave her nod of thanks. Alaric shifted back to his wolf form, only wearing shorts for cover. Elaina blushed slightly and tried to avoid any eye contact with him as they hopped in the truck and back on the road. There was heavy silence and slight tension between them as they headed back to the house.

Elaina felt her hair going from damp to a dry mass of tangles. She looked down to find her dress cover in dirt and slightly wet from the lake. She couldn't help but sigh at how her reflection looked now.

Elaina peeked over at Alaric. His hair was tangled and blowing in the wind from the rolled down windows. His jaws were working and his knuckles displayed white on the steering wheel. He looked to be having an inner battle with himself. She couldn't blame him. She was putting as much distance between them as possible.

Because you need to do this; to protect him.

Elaina ignored the thought and continued to quietly peek over at him. His toned muscles were slightly prominent under his skin as he steered and held the wheel. She noticed a thick and long scar running down his stomach. It was a slanted scar that looked like a painful and distant memory. Her curiosity bubble was forming inside of her. Elaina tried to subside her inner curiosity, but she couldn't stop glancing over at it. She noticed that it traveled from his stomach to the side and looked to continue past his shorts. The curiosity continued to burn at her.

With a weakened will, she completely turned her head towards his direction. Alaric briefly turned his head towards her in confusion.

"How did that happen?" Elaina whispered and pointed to his scar.

Alaric turned towards the road and sighed. "From the battle with Aidric."

Elaina bit inside her lip. She wanted to bite her tongue off for bringing out a sensitive topic. She needed to learn how to keep her questions to herself.

"I'm sorry." Elaina turned her head to the window and watched the trees.

"Don't say you're sorry. There's no need for it."

Elaina felt his disapproving tone; her gaze dropped her hands. She peeked over at his scar again. The skin was stretched but still taut with muscles and tanned skin. Elaina forced her gaze somewhere else, anywhere else but him.


Elaina turned her gaze to him.

"I don't know exactly what happened back there, but I will protect you."

"You cannot fight him. No one from Earth can beat The Fallen," Elaina said, squeezing her hands together.

"Doesn't matter. I will do anything in my power to protect you."

"You're just asking for death." Elaina whispered, her emotions choking her words.

"I'm not asking for death. I'm doing it to save a life. Your life. I promised you that I would help you get home and I'm going to keep that promise even if it does kill me."

"Don't say that. It's not worth it. I'm not worthy for that kind of sacrifice."

"To me; you are worth it."

Elaina eye's widened; why was he saying this now? Underneath that statement, what did he really mean? Could he possibly be feeling...

Don't think that! Don't! Her conscious tried to fight the growing emotions building up in Elaina.

Her heart escalated at his small statement that packed so much emotion underneath. Elaina didn't know if she heared the words right or if he really meant them. Yet Alaric wouldn't say anything like that for no reason. Everything he says, he says it with commitment and loyalty. Yet in her predicament, it was not the best thing to say.

Fighting the internal battle within her, Elaina looked out the window and said no more.

As soon as the truck was parked, Elaina hopped out of the truck and towards the house. Alaric caught her hand and pulled her towards him. Elaina gasped at the impact of his hard chest against her body. She felt the now familiar heat spreading in her body and the rapid beating of her pulse. This is bad.

Elaina peeked up through heavy eyelashes at Alaric. He looked down at her.

"I want to know exactly what happened down there."

"That is my problem. I don't want to bring more burden to you or your family here." Elaina pushed against his chest hard. He released her as she stepped back, giving her much needed space.

"Dammit, Elaina! Just tell me what's wrong." Alaric's jaws tightened when Elaina flinched at his shouting.

"From now on, please stay away from me. I think it would be best if we just continued on how things were before we left."

"Like hell I will. Stop trying to handle things on your own. Let me help you."

"Right now, you are not helping me."

"I already told you earlier that I made a promise-"

"I know you're promise and you will still be keeping it even if you stay away from me."

"That is not helping you. Don't think that I will be staying away from you, Elaina."

"Please don't make this harder than it already is."

"You're only making it harder for yourself." Alaric ran his hand through his hair, his gaze piercing into her own.

"You don't know the situation I'm in!"

"Then tell me so I can understand and help you."

Why does he want to help me so much? Why is he waisting so much energy to an unwanted angel like me? Could it be that... No, I don't want him to die for me. I won't be able to handle that.

"From now on, stay away from me. Please."

Elaina looked at him, he looked frustrated, but his eyes pained Elaina the most. They showed hurt and concern for her that Elaina couldn't look at him in that state anymore. She wanted to tell him, but she turned and ran towards the house. She heard him shout her name, but she didn't stop to turn. If she told him, who knows what will happen to him.

This is something I have to handle on my own.

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