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|Nick's POV|
"Chip, Xander, you guys ready," I ask, straightening my leather jacket.

Chip and Xander nod, Chip tossing Xander a set of car keys. Mom nods as she hands us our morphers and a map to Amber Beach.

How am I supposed to help my sister if she didn't contact me herself? Why does Kendal want three of us to help when I'm pretty sure Lightspeed Force and Time Force are possibly closer than us, I think to myself as I grab a motorcycle helmet from mine and Tayra's collection.

~Xander's POV~
Is Udonna serious, I scream in my head as stop at a gas station halfway between Briarwood and Amber Beach. The only thing keeping me calm was the smell of new leather and auto body paint.

Since Chip, V, Madison and I didn't have a personal motorcycle like Nick, the four of us saved up a fourth of our paychecks and bought a new Chevrolet Silverado to use as a vehicle.

"Chip, you okay," I ask, shaking him awake.


"Just checking on you, because you've been sleeping since we left," I explain.

Chip nods and falls back asleep.

Poor Kid, still getting the hang of being a ranger, I think as I see Nick walk out with a grocery bag in his right hand.

Nick taps on my window which I roll down and ask, "Yeah?".

"Lunch is on me, there's six pizza rolls, two code red mountain dews, two Mountain Dew: Voltage and two bags of barbecue chips," Nick says as he hands me the bag.

"You didn't have to, Nick," Chip mutters in his sleep.

Nick just nods, then we're off again.

~Outskirts of Amber Beach~

We stopped again outside a small dinner on the outskirts of Amber Beach to eat again because we needed to work on a plan to inconspicuously go into the museum, then into the ranger base here. Nick looked like he was about to pass out from lack of sleep and Chip was bouncing off the walls because of the energy he had.

Nick placed his head in his hands, probably thinking of ways to talk to Tayra and Chase. I silently sigh as Chip places our order for some food and three Mountain Dews. Nick groans inwardly after the waitress walks off with the order and as he massaged his temples.

"Why does Ms. Morgan need us," Nick whispered as the waitress came back.

"Oh, Ms. Kendal Morgan from the museum? She needs two temporary replacements because two of her workers are down with the flu," the waitress says.

"How did you know," I ask.

The waitress sets our food down and looks at each of us.

"My name is Sala Reedman, I know about the each ranger team," the waitress says in a low voice.

I write on a napkin, 'Which Team?' and she mouths, 'Not one, but was an ally to Lightspeed and SPD.'.

I nod and Sala gets back to her work.  Nick and Chip dig into their burgers and fries while I stare at mine for a minute, then I dig in.

~Tayra's POV~
To: Nick
From: Tayra

U here yet?

To: Tayra
From: Nick

Outside the city, grabbing a bite to eat. B there in a few.

To:  Nick
From: Tayra

Good. Did Sala fill u in on what happened?

To: Tayra
From: Nick

Yeah, she told us

I weakly smiled at the last text Nick sent me, knowing he was worried for me. Chase's head rested on my lap, the same way we were at the park. His fever stayed at 101.9 since coming back to Amber Beach. He still couldn't keep much down, but he was eating somethings and drinking Powerade.

He groans in his sleep and he had a pained look on his face.

Chase isn't taking this sickness to well, but neither am I, I think to myself.

Suddenly the sensors went off and Shelby, Riley, Koda and Tyler looked at me. I look to Chase who's still sleeping.

"Monster life signs downtown," Kendal shouts.

To: Nick
From: Tayra

Get down town as fast as you can. Kendal will message you the details. All I can say is there's a monster attacking the down town area.

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