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<Chase's POV>
I woke up sick to my stomach for some reason, but I couldn't remember what I'd done. Tayra was still curled up on one of the couches and I some how ended up on the floor.

I sit up, my head pounding. I sneeze, which caused Tayra to wake up.

"You okay, Chase," she asks, noticing me.

"I'm good," I respond, then I sneeze again.

Tayra shakes her head, then she stands up, but she starts to fall forward. I'm quick enough to catch, but I start feeling dizzy.

"Neither of us are fine," I mutter, helping Tayra sit back down.

Tayra nods and weakly smiles at me.

"We've probably got a 24 hour bug," she says.

~Kendal's POV~
"Tayra and Chase are sick with the flu, leaving the Rangers two members short," I mutter under my breath.

Chase had texted me again and I had shown it to Shelby. Chase being sick didn't bother me much as him being sick and not being here.

"Any word on Chase and Tayra," Riley asks as he watches the monitors.

"None yet.".

"I don't understand why Chase and Tayra would run off," Tyler growls.

"He parasaur ranger," Koda says.

"Guys, they're probably fine. Tayra's been under a lot of pressure since becoming the Gold Ranger. Chase is probably with her to keep her out of trouble," Shelby tries to explain.

*Tayra's POV*
Chase's head was in my lap and his eyes were half closed. This was the second or third time I've seen him sick and the fifth time he's seen me sick.

I run my fingers through his hair again, trying and hoping he'll fall asleep and let his body rest.

It's painful to see him like this, I think to myself as Chase rolls over on his right side.

I wasn't in much better shape than him, but I managed to stay awake.

I feel my eyelids droop, but I suddenly blink.

Can't go to sleep. Can't go to sleep. Can't go to sleep, I repeated in my head, but alas sleep over took me.

<Chase's POV>
Tayra shivered as she slept, so I went to the guest room I'm staying in to get a throw blanket for her.

Should I admit to her I love her or should I keep that thought to myself, I think as I place the throw blanket over her. I sit beside her again, brushing some of her hair behind her right ear.

"Chase, why did you come with me," Tayra asks in her sleep.

"Because I think I'm in love with my best friend," I respond.

"I think I love you to, Chase.".

Could today get any better?

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