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~Hunter's POV~

Why Mistress Shadow had us kidnap this girl, who seemed to know my brother and I, I never want to know. I had already somewhat broken the control Lothor had over myself and Blake, but I had to keep pretending I was fully under their control. Blake set the girl down and examined her right ankle.

This girl also has scarred knuckles and some new wounds courtesy of Mistress Shadow's shurikens. I didn't ask Blake, the girl or Mistress Shadow what the heck was around the girl's neck. I wasn't going to bother to ask her either.

"Navy, what's wrong with the girl," I ask.

"She twisted her ankle while walking, Crimson," He responded.

"Dang, do you think she really knows us," Navy asks.

"You can drop the stupid act, Boneheads," the girl hisses.

The girl growls at both of us, but the only ones who could call us that and not get chased around the house was our younger sisters Tayra and Xenia. I look at the girl through my helmet. She has Tayra's auburn hair, icy blue eyes and her same attitude.

"What do you know about us," I ask the girl, holding a dulled knife in my right hand.

"Choobo captured you two and brainwashed you before. You both work at Stormchasers, which is a surf shop. You studied at the Thunder Ninja Academy, then at the Wind Ranger Academy which caused you to eventually team up with Shane, Dustin and Tori. You have two sisters, to which one of the has a twin," she began.

"So," Blake asks.

"Shut up, Navy, and let her speak," I hiss.

~*Tayra's POV*~

"Shut up, Navy, and let her speak," Hunter told Blake.

"You two know me and I know you. You're my brothers, I am your sister. I also have bad news," I tell Hunter, because he was the only one of the two listening.

"What's the news, that we don't care about," Blake sneers.

"Xenia was killed by someone named Fury.".

Though their helmets are on, I can see the pain in their eyes. I take a deep breath, debating on what I should do now.

"W-we have h-had a si-sister named Xenia, but we haven't seen her in four years, because Tayra was seventeen at the time, but she and her twin Nick were sent to Briarwood to live and to take care of Xenia," Hunter says.

"Why are you telling her this! She could be a spy for the Wind Rangers," Blake hisses.

"Because, Blake, I believe her," Hunter retorts.

Suddenly the cave shook, which scared Hunter and Blake, but not me.

"Your mistress made you rest in the Amber Beach Emerald Caves, which during times are highly unstable, so if you want to live then you will have to untie my hand and let me help you out of here.".

Hunter nods, as does Blake. Hunter cuts the rope with the dull knife he had and Blake puts my right arm over his shoulders to help me walk out of the cave. A few rocks come down and land right where I was sitting. Hunter, Blake and I made equal screams, but we make it out alive.

~Chase's POV~

I felt the tremors before I saw part of the cave begin to collapse. I fall to my knees thinking that I'm too late until I see both the Crimson and Navy rangers. The Navy ranger is half carrying, half dragging Tayra with him.

"Stop," I hissed at both of them.

"What's your problem, Bub," Navy asks me.

"My problem is that you captured my friend," I say, pointing to a dishevled Tayra.

"She's our friend too," Crimson says.

I growl at them, but Tayra holds up her left hand.

"Give them a break, Chase. They've been through some hard times and it's only going to get harder for them," She says.

"Why," I ask.

"Chase Randall, meet Hunter and Blake Bradley, my brothers.".

My jaw nearly hits the forest floor, but it doesn't. These two are her brothers.

"Thanks for the introduction, Tayra Lynn," I hear a female voice sneer.

"Shadow, this is no time for games," Tayra yells.

Shadow appears behind me and smirks. I quickly turn and face her, but she sweeps my feet out from under me.

"Crimson, Navy, bring the girl," Shadow says.

I hear Tayra growl, then I hear Hunter growl for the first time.

"No, Mistress Shadow," he says.

"What's this? Refusing an order? You will pay Crimson Ranger," Shadow snarls.

Tayra growls, standing on her own with the help of Hunter. I smirk to myself as I toss her my knapsack, to which she smirks as well.

"Wild Access! Ha," Tayra shouts as she uses the Lunar Caller.

"Dino Charger, ready. Unleash the power," I shout.

Shadow smirks and she snaps her fingers at Blake.

She smirks again as she shouts, "Vivix attack!".

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