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-Riley's POV-
It's been five hours since Chase and Tayra went up to the museum, I thought to myself as I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on my smartphone.  I wasn't really worried about Tayra, I was more worried about Chase and him being an idiot, then he gets both of them in trouble.

"Riley, snap out of it," Shelby hisses.

"Okay," I said, returning my attention to my phone.

Where are Chase and Tayra, I ask myself again.

~Kendal's POV~
I knew where Tayra and Chase are, but I'm not giving them up no matter how much the others as me. Tayra was tired and so was Chase so I basically told them to get lost and go on vacation, but to expect Chase's Dino com to go off.

"Kendal, have you seen Chase or Tayra," Shelby asks, knowing what I knew.

"Not since they went to the museum. Maybe Chase took Tayra to his house so she could rest in peace," I vaguely say, trying not to give away anything.

"Are you sure," Koda asks.

"Yes, Koda. I'm sure," I respond.

Koda nods and heads into his cave, probably to get a goodnight's sleep. Tyler started sneezing earlier, which concerned me a little bit. If my rangers are getting sick then how the hell are they supposed to defend Amber Beach?

"Hey, Kendal, Chase just texted me and said they made it," Shelby mouthed.

I nod, my way of acknowledging anything that goes on in the base.

*Shelby's POV*
I knew Chase and Tayra left for Reefside, but the others couldn't know. Keeper knew, I knew and Kendal knew, but Tyler, Riley and Koda didn't know.

I sigh to myself and quickly text Chase back before anyone, but Kendal can see.

-Chase's POV-
Shelby had texted me back within a minute of me texting her. Tayra and I were currently in the middle of watching season one episode three of Grimm and Tayra is about half asleep. Before Grimm we watched all three Expendables and all seven fast and furious movies.

"Wanna stop the marathon here," I ask her.

Tayra nods, then she curls up and uses my right leg as a pillow. I silently sigh, pausing the show and gently running the fingers on my right hand through her hair, the same way she did to me at the park. The only visitors we've had were Connor, the red Dino thunder ranger and Tommy Oliver.

Tayra begins sleep talking and it's hilarious until she starts talking about Fury, Sledge, Shadow, Poisandra and every other villain she's faced or I've faced. She then whines in her sleep, something else that concerns me.

I debate on waking her up, but she settles down once she sneezed.

What have I gotten my team and myself into?

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