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Luke's POV

On the phone:

Luke: What do you want?

Max: Just wanted to know if you want to hang out?

Luke: Why?

Max: Luke stop asking so many questions and get your butt over here.

Conversation ended

I am just gonna go over there,but I m not sure what is going on.



*skip car ride

"Luke you came I thought you were gonna chicken out." "Whatever Max I am not a pussy,what so you want." "Look Luke I am not gonna tell you again stay away from Lulu." "No I love here Max I am NEVER gonna leave her." "I felt like you were gonna say that so I bought a friend." Max just pulled out a gun I am not sure what to do. "Woah Max just take it easy." "No Luke I have been taking it easy i told you to back off to many times thus my finale warning back off and don't tell Lulu any of this."

Your Brother Wanna Fight Me//Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now