Meeting his family

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Lulu's POV

I am meeting Luke'a family and I so nervous. What if his mom hates me and his brothers. So I arrive and Gina his mom greets me at the door. FYI he told me her name. "Hello baby doll i'll get Luke." Luke Lulu is here." Down walks Luke I run over and kiss is cheek , he looks surprised that I did that . "What wrong Luke?" "Umm I not Luke I am Jai is twin brother." "Wow I'm embarrassed." Then I am pretty sure it is Luke he walk down the stairs. Hey Luke um I thought Jai was you and I kissed him on the cheek." "Okay that's funny so I see you met Jai mum do you know where Beau is." "Yeah he is in the bathroom I will go get him." "Thanks mum your the best." "Your house is really nice what are we having for dinner?" "I think tacos and cupcakes." 'Cupcakes so cute just like you Lukey Pookey." 'Eww that's gross Luke get a room." Beau but walked. "Okay let's start dinner everyone sit done and eat." Gina said she is so nice." "So Lulu do you have a job siblings why do you like Luke?" "Well Jai no yes a brother Max and he is cute awesome cool and a great catch." "I didn't know I was a fish I am flattered." Okay so the rest of he dinner was questions and I answered than pretty well and I think his family like me and my family like him but Max and I have to have a talk with Max.

Your Brother Wanna Fight Me//Luke Brooksحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن