Începe de la început

On the out skirts of the army. A pitch black energy was swirling so around. Whisking and snaking among the ranks of monsters. The killing intent from the energy was incredible. I made me want to double over and die. Saving me from the horrors this energy could bring.

My worst fears played out in my head. Percy dying all over again. Camp Half-Blood in ruins. It's campers dead and tortured. Olympus falling, it's marble columns in pieces. My father dead, his limbs sprawled out at the worst angles. My mother saying I failed her, I failed Olympus, I failed my family, I failed Percy, we were never meant to be. Tartarus killing the seven, Percy telling me he hated me and my guts. I failed, everyones gone. It my fault. ITS. ALL. MY. FAULT!

I cried out and held my head in my arms. I knelt down on one knee, and silently cried. Other campers around me did the same, some clawed at their hearts, others cried in their arms.

We were going to go insane if this kept up.

Shakily I stood up and brought my head up. Although I was crying. Although I was shaken. Although I was scared. I couldn't keep this up. We needed to stand up for ourselves. For our camp. For our home.

Then the black energy disappeared in a flash of light.

The feeling of dread with it.

Arch's POV: 5 minutes earlier

An explosion rang through the battle field. Louder then any other explosion. I looked up and saw a man, 100 feet to the right of me. His black suit and red tie stood out from the armor and golden dust of the battle field. His messy shoulder length hair and crimson colored eyes scanned the battle field with distaste. He was the most recognizable person I knew... And I knew Lord Chaos.

Destruction. The primordial of... Destruction. Wow that's lame. Named after your element... (-///-). He smirked at the battle field, and I growled. Camp half-blood may not be my home anymore, but these people were like cousins. The Warriors where my family, and camp half-blood may also be my family, the are distant family. The ones you only see over the holidays.

Suddenly he was hit my a mass of black and white fur. A dog with wings. Fotia. I tensed up and ran towards them to assist my partner. Then everything seemed to move in slow motion. Destructions eyes filled with the utter most hate. His eyes screamed for blood. He gave a psycho grin before he hand lit with crackling black lightning. Fotia growled in response. I tried to yell out and tell her to stop. This wasn't her battle, he wasn't her enemy yet. But my voice seemed to stop working.

Destruction's eyes, light with amusement, drifted to me. He smirked, Fotia jumped forward, her claws aiming for disablement. After fighting so along with her, I knew what she wanted to do when she did things. Time them seemed to speed up then. Destructions hand shot forward, his hand being his blade, as he sliced through fotia's chest. His now pitch black hand sticking out her back.

Destructions eyes however did not seem satisfied. His eyes still leaked bloodlust and hatred. He flung Fotia's limp form towards me. Not allowing my partner to hit the ground, I rushed forward and caught her, then knelt down and supported her head. Her green and orange eyes looked into mine.

{{Don't cry over me Perseus. I was old anyway...}} Fotia muttered. Pitch black energy started to drip from her wound. Her life energy.

{{Don't say that... You are going to be fine Fotia. You can't leave me anyway...}} I replied and was about to call someone to help her. But Fotia bit my hand, signaling my stop. She looked me in the eyes and said.

{{I'm not leaving you Perseus. I will be reborn, the new shadow lord will be born, needing you to guide him or her. Remember what I've taught you about the Skia Fotia... Teach the new shadow lord. I'm sure you'll get along fine...}} Fotia told me. The black energy continued to snake it's way around the ranks. Campers and allies being smart didn't touch it. But Fotia made it snake among to touch monsters and enemies.

{{you're going to great Perseus..}}

The black energy grew making a cloud around me and her. I no longer heard the explosions or cries of battle around me.

{{I will be with you in spirit}}

I although heard the cries of anguish as the black energy showed everyone their worst fears and weaknesses.

{{Everything will be fine...}}

Knowing her last moments were nearing I quickly told her

{{I love you Fotia. I hope you enjoy the afterlife, my partner...}}

{{Good-bye... Perseus...}} as her last words were muttered. Her head went limp in my hands. Her eyes closed and the chest stopped moving. Then the black energy. Fotia's life energy disappeared in a bright flash of light, her body along with it. To go to her final resting place. The original planet Alphador. Now she could rest. And the new shadow lord would be born.

Around the battle field. Monster who had contact with fotias life energy wailed in pain before shattering into golden dust. At least Fotia brought 100s of monsters down with her. The life force was completely destroyed, never again to be revived.

I shakily stood up from where my partner had died not long ago. I looked destruction in the eyes. My now two sea green eyes were still brimmed with tears. While his Crimson eyes still leaked bloodlust, unsatisfaction, and hatred. With my one good hand. I jumped at destruction with the full intent to make him pay.

For ending Fotia's life, too soon.

Authors note:

Aaaahhhhh! DX the feels!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed ;~;


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