On My Mind

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"Let's go out tonight!" Eleanor suggests, a grin on her face.

Arri looks skeptical. "We can't. Initiates aren't supposed to be in the club."

"Everyone knows that's not a real rule." I say.

"Wait, you want to?" Lennie looks surprised but equally ecstatic at my response.

"Why not?" I smile, shrugging my shoulders. "We could use a night out and after everything we've been through, I think we deserve it."

"Easy for you to say. If you get caught, Eric will bail you out of trouble. Len and I don't have that luxury." Arri pouts.

"C'mon, Arri, live a little!" Eleanor pouts. "You know every Dauntless member goes to the club at least once during initiation. As long as you don't get crazy drunk and keep yourself in check it's not a big deal."

I look at both my friends with a mischievous smirk. "As long as Eric will watch Hudson, I'm in."

20 minutes later, I walk into my apartment. "Eric?" I call out.

"Ma-ma!" Hudson babbles out and I follow his voice to the living room.

He and Eric are on the floor. Eric flat on his back, Hudson in his arms raised up into the air. "Hey guys." I smile at them, leaning against the wall which leads into the room.

"Hi babe. How'd things go?" Eric asks, sitting up and placing Hudson in his lap.

My son instantly lurches forward, crawling across the carpet toward me. I bend over to pick him up and place him on my hip. "It went well. It was hard, but so worth it. We're gonna go out for a girl's night, if you don't mind watching Hudson."

"You know you're not supposed to be drinking." Eric does his best to intimidate me with his Leader face but I laugh.

"I don't think I need to remind you of your night out. You puked in my pillowcase." I snort.

Eric smirks, shaking his head at the memory. "Didn't I think you were someone else?"

"You did." I nod.

"Fine. Go out." He chuckles. "Have fun but be careful, please."

"I will." I promise, walking to him and taking a seat at his side. "I love you." I lean in to peck his lips.

Eric responds immediately, kissing me back intensely and then takes Hudson from me. "Go. Before I change my mind."

I get up, heading into our room and fling the closet door open; grabbing a form fitting dress and my make-up bag, I turn around.

Hudson and Eric are in the kitchen now, my boyfriend rummaging through the cabinet, choosing dinner for our son.

"Bye, babe." I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek then press a kiss to my sons blonde hair; I pause, breathing in his baby smell. "Love you guys."

"We love you, Phe." Eric smiles and watches me walk out the door.

When I return to Eleanor's, she and Arri are in the bathroom getting ready. I quickly slip into my short dress and join them, curling my hair and putting on make-up.

We're ready by 9:30 and leave the apartment, ignoring Connor's questions of where we're going. When we reach the club that overlooks the pit, it's packed. It seems like all of Dauntless is out tonight.

We walk through the doors and instantly head for the bar. We're waiting for the bartender when a voice startles me. "What are you doing here?" It's Four.

"Enjoying a night off." I tell him.

He takes a drink from his glass. I can tell by the color of the liquid that he's drinking whiskey. "Eric know you're here?" Four asks as he sets the glass back down on the bar.

"Yes." I say, feeling a little defensive. "Geez, Tobi. Cut me some slack."

He laughs. "Relax, munchkin. I'm kidding. Have fun tonight. Stay out of trouble."

"No promises!" I smirk as the bartender comes to take our order. When he returns with our drinks I kiss Four on the cheek, wishing him a good night.

Arri, Lennie, and I spend the evening dancing and drinking. A few hours have passed and I've been nominated to refill our drinks.

On my way to the bar I spot Eric and his friend sitting in bar stools far down on the left end, staring at me.

Instead of getting mad and wondering where Hudson is, I remind myself that Eric is a great father and wouldn't leave our son alone.

He's so sexy I have to force myself to remember I'm here on a girl's night and not make a beeline for him.

When I reach the bar I notice Tobi is gone before giving the bartender my drink order. I'm waiting for him to return when a figure stands beside me. "Ophelia." The man acknowledges.

"Levi." I respond, my tone clipped.

"You know initiates aren't supposed to be drinking." He says.

"Oh, fuck off!" I growl, tired of his constant harassment.

He looks impressed before continuing. "I'd watch that tone of yours if I were you."

"Or what?" I challenge. The alcohol has made me brave.

"I'd hate for leadership to find out what you and your boyfriend did to my father." He hisses and my eyes widen at his threat. "That's right. I know it was you."

He thinks he has the upper hand and he's shocked when I step closer, my face inches from his. "Go ahead, tell leadership. But if you do, I'll make sure everyone knows exactly what you've done to me. How your father murdered mine, how you raped me and forced me to cover it up, how you tried to have another initiate kill me, and then kidnapped my son."

Levi's face pales. "When leadership finds out; you won't be stripped of Dauntless rights and made factionless, you'll be executed. Stay away from my family!"

The adrenaline is coursing through me like electricity and I walk away from bar without even getting my drinks. Levi has absolutely no power over me anymore and I feel so free.

Eric's POV

Ophelia is waiting at the bar when Levi approaches her. Instantly I'm out of my seat but an arm against my chest stops me.

"What are you doing?" I ask my friend, Kain.

"You don't always have to protect her, let Ophelia handle this on her own. If she needs you, I'll let you go." He says.

I sit back down with a huff, trying to subside my anger. I watch Ophelia like a hawk. Whatever she says affects Levi, he looks nervous as she leaves the bar.

She begins to walk back to her friends but takes the long way so she can purposely pass me. As she walks by Kain and I; she catches my eye, sending a flirtatious grin and wave. My stomach flips and I feel my groin tighten at the sight of her in her little dress. I look her up and down with a smirk and a nod, biting my lower lip in response.

Ophelia keeps moving, not stopping to speak to me and I let my mind wander to all the things I'd like to do to her as I watch her rejoin her friends.

She says something to them for a moment before turning around and returning to me. She faces me, grabbing onto my forearms and leaning in close. "Take me home." She whispers seductively.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Hypnotic (Eric x OC) divergent fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें