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Phase one of training is complete and I am fourth in rankings. After everything I've been through these past five weeks, I'm proud of that.

We're on the train heading to the old abandoned navy pier and Eric is explaining the war games. He pulls out a neurostim gun and explains it to us. I tune him out, already knowing quite well how it works.

He and Four are captains of the teams, with Lauren helping Eric and Levi with Four.

I'm chosen first, by Eric. I slowly make my way towards him and stop just to his left. He stares at me while Four chooses an initiate, trying to get me to look at him, but I stare down at my boots.

Finally the two teams have been made and Four's team jumps from the train first. Asher is on his team but Lennie and Arri are with me. We begin to jump a few minutes later and once we're all on solid ground, we gather around Eric.

"Alright, most of you here are the stronger initiates, you've proven yourself in training, so I'm letting you call the shots on this one." Eric says, while looking me straight in the eye. I can't help but think his words have a double meaning.

Everyone begins talking at once but I stay silent as I think of our options. Finally, I come up with a plan and speak over them. "We need to keep our flag low. Having it up too high will make it too easy for the other team to spot from far away, which gives them time to think up a plan of attack. A couple people will guard our flag, the rest of us will split up into two groups. One will search for Four's team's flag, while the other will stay in the vicinity of our hiding place, providing extra protection."

"Brilliant." Eric says, giving me a proud smile. I try to ignore the butterflies his grin still gives me.

Arri and a boy named Cole guard our flag, while Len stays nearby to help protect it. I take off own my own to try and locate the other team's flag, preferring to be alone right now.

I'm almost to the old Ferris wheel when I hear the crunch of gravel behind me. I swivel around, gun at the ready. But there's no one there so I turn around and cautiously continue my search.

A couple minutes later, I hear it again. This time when I turn around, Asher is behind me and he's not holding the same rifle that I am. There's a handgun in his grasp and it's real.

"Asher?" I question.

"Put the rifle down." He orders, pointing his weapon at me.

My heart is racing and I have no choice but to obey. As I put my firearm down, I notice how nervous he looks. His face is white and he's sweating.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, keeping my voice calm. I'm hoping that if I can distract him with conversation, it will give someone time to find us.

"I have to kill you." He's shaking now.

"Why?" I ask. "Asher, we're friends."

He shakes his head. "He told me to."

"Who?" I cautiously take a step toward him.

His grip on the gun tightens. "Don't come any closer or I'll blow your head off!"

His threat stops me in my tracks and I think of Hudson. My son might grow up without a mother and it terrifies me. "You don't have to do this."

"I do." He sniffs, tears have filled his eyes. "He said he'd kill me if I didn't."

"Who?" I ask again. "Asher, I can help you."

At that moment, a figure comes sprinting toward us through the darkness. When they're close enough, I see that it's Levi. "What are you doing, Initiate?!" He shouts.

Asher sends him a panicked look and in the blink of an eye, he's turned the handgun away from me and pressing it to his forehead.

"Asher, NO!!" I yell.

The gun goes off and I scream as Asher's body falls to the ground. There's so much shock coursing through my body that I allow Levi to pull me into his arms. I stand there sobbing when the other Instructors come into the clearing.

"What happened? We heard a gunshot and screaming." Eric asks, he looks shaken as he takes in the scene around him.

I rip myself from Levi's embrace and run into Eric's strong frame. The second I'm against his chest, he's wrapping himself protectively around me.

It's obvious Levi is annoyed, as he explains the situation. "He was holding Ophelia at gunpoint, but when I noticed it wasn't a neurostim gun I came over to see what was going on, and he killed himself."

"She needs to be taken back to the compound for a statement and to be questioned." Eric says, still holding me close. "Are you guys good staying here and taking care of this?"

Everyone nods except for Levi. "I can take her back. You're a Leader, you should be here."

"I'm taking her." Eric's tone is firm and there's nothing that will make him change his mind. The other three nod, knowing this is non-negotiable.

Eric takes me hand and begins to lead me towards the tracks. As we wait he wraps his arms around me once again. "Are you ok?" He whispers.

"Not really. Are you?" I ask, feeling his heart racing beneath his skin.

"Not really." He answers honestly. "Here comes the train."

Eric helps me on and once again holds me tight. "I heard the gunshot, then your scream, and I thought you were dead."

"I'm ok, just scared." I say softly.

"What happened?" He asks. His face is serious.

I swallow and shake my head. "I don't even know. It all happened so fast."

"Ophelia, I need to know everything."

I nod slowly, I know he's right. "I went off on my own to look for Four's flag, I heard something and knew someone was following me. It was Asher."

I pause and Eric looks at me, waiting for me to continue. "He had a gun. A real gun and he threatened me. Then he killed himself when Levi found us."

"That's it?" Eric asks. "Nothing else happened?"

I think for a moment as more memories come back to me. "No." I shake my head. "Asher said he had to kill me. That 'he' told him to and he'd die if he didn't."

Eric looks confused. "Who's 'he'?"

"I don't know, I couldn't get it out of him. Then Levi showed up and that's when he killed himself." I finish.

"This doesn't add up. Someone's hiding something." He says. "Do you remember anything else?"

I wrack my brain trying to think of any other clues. "Asher seemed terrified of Levi, but that seems bizarre to me, maybe I was just imagining things."

"You're an observant girl, I don't think you were." Eric says as the train reaches Dauntless. "Let's get you home. Then I'll get Max and he can come take your statement. Tell him everything you told me."

"Ok." I nod. We jump from the train and Eric stabilizes me so I don't fall.

We take the stairs into the compound and down to my apartment, stopping outside my door. "Hudson is asleep, but you can come in and see him if you want." I offer.

Eric smiles. "Alright." He follows me inside. The apartment is dark and silent as we walk into my room.

Hudson's crib is empty and my heart sinks. I grab onto Eric's arm in panic as things begin to register in my mind. Someone has taken Hudson.

"Mom!" I let out a strangled scream. I fall to my knees and Eric pulls me into him, holding me tightly as I begin to sob hysterically.

Hypnotic (Eric x OC) divergent fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now