The Mess I Made

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The next day training is different. Eric is meaner, Levi, strangely enough, is nicer. Or maybe he just seems that way compared to the animal Eric has become.

They push us to the point of breaking, but I guess that's what they want. To see if we're really meant for Dauntless.

Eric yells at everyone yet doesn't say a word to me, but somehow that's worse. I have to remind myself that no matter how much my heart hurts, this is what I wanted. It's what's best for me and my son.

When the day finally ends and we're released, I drag myself up to my apartment. I open the door and my exhaustion turns to confusion when I see Four standing in the living room with my mom.

"What are you doing here?" I grumble.

"Well hello to you too, Grumpy." He smirks. "I'm just checking with Kenna about some old footage that was found on a surveillance tape."

I walk towards the couch, checking the clock on the wall. It's 8:45 and I know Hudson is already asleep.

"Watch it. I'm still mad at you." I say, letting my body fall heavily onto the couch.

He comes to sit beside me. "I'm sorry, alright, I shouldn't have gotten involved."

"Gee, ya think?" I stop when I see the serious look on his face and I know his apology is sincere.

"So are we good?" He asks.

"Yea, we're good." I say wrapping my arm around his waist. He throws his arm around my shoulder and I lean into his side.

Since my mom has been back in the control room, Four has been around a lot and he's become my surrogate brother. I miss Jagger with all my heart but it's nice to feel like I have a sibling again.

"What are you doing tonight?" His question brings me out of my thoughts.

I shrug. "Nothing. I'm too tired. Why?"

"There's some fights in the Pit tonight." He explains. "Come with me, it'll be fun."

"I don't know." I say, unsure.

"Just go!" My mom shouts from her bedroom. "Have a night off, you deserve it!"

"Ooook. Guess I'm going." I shake my head with a smile.

Four grabs my hand, grinning. "Let's go. They start at 9." He leaves the apartment, heading for the Pit, dragging me behind him.

"That was borderline abusive. I should report you." I grumble as we enter the cavernous room, but I can't keep a straight face and Four knows I'm anything but serious.

The same mat we use during training has been set up in the middle of the Pit. But it's been elevated on a concrete slab with two sets of stairs on either side of it. Four and I find a pair of seats that are together and sit down.

A few minutes later a man in his mid-twenties with both arms covered in tattoos stands in the center of the ring. "Listen up!" He calls out, getting everyone's attention. "We've got three fights tonight. The first one starts now. Fighters come on out!"

Two guys walk out and my breath hitches as I recognize one of them. Eric.

I turn to Four and the look on his face is one of shock, he had no idea Eric was fighting tonight. I relax, knowing this wasn't an attempt to get Eric and I back together.

"I didn't know." He blurts out.

"Relax." I say. "I believe you."

The fight begins and I find myself calculating Eric's chances of winning. He's taller than his opponent, who is short and stocky. Eric has the reach advantage but the other guy clearly has him by weight.

Eric is doing a good job dodging the guy's punches, when he's sends a kick out of nowhere. It hits Eric in the gut and knocks him off balance.

I gasp, grabbing Four's hand in nervousness. The man approaches Eric from behind as he's getting ready to stand. He doesn't see him.

"Eric, behind you!" I shriek. He recognizes my voice and looks for me. Our eyes meet for a moment before the other guy tackles Eric, sending them both to the floor.

I bury my face in Four's shoulder. "I can't watch this." I tell him as I hear the sound of fists connecting with flesh.

"Winner!" The announcer declares a few minutes later but I'm afraid to turn back towards the ring.

Four wraps his arms around me. "It's ok, it's over. He won."

I take a deep breath as I remove myself from him and sure enough, there's Eric. He's standing beside the announcer, his arm raised in the air in triumph as his opponent struggles on the mat.

I'm calm once again as the next pair begin to fight and Four nudges my leg with his knee, gaining my attention. "What?" I ask over the loud buzz of excitement in the Pit.

"Eric is heading this way. Do you want to talk to him?" He asks.

I say nothing and simply shake my head, no.

He gets up. "Then I'll take you home."

I stand and walk behind him, leaving the crowdedness of the Pit. When we reach my family's apartment I ask Four what's been tugging at the back of my mind since I saw him standing in my living room.

"What were you talking to my mom about?" I question.

He looks a bit unsure as he answers. "I told you I was talking to her about some footage."

"What was on the tapes?" I ask, even though I have a feeling I already know what he saw.

"Something I'd really rather not discuss." Four's dodging the question and not making eye contact with me.

"I know you know." Is all I say.

He finally looks at me and I'm relieved there's no trace of pity in his eyes. "I can't believe I didn't put it all together."

"We did a good job at covering it up." I explain.

Four pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. "Ophelia, you know I think of you as my little sister. I will be here for you through anything. When you're ready, we'll give those tapes to Leadership and he'll get what he deserves."

"Thanks, Four. I love you." I mumble into his chest.

"I love you, too, munchkin." He smirks into the top of my head. "Go inside, get some sleep. Tomorrow's the last day of phase one and then we've got war games in the evening."

"I'm gonna ignore the comment on my height because I'm not short, I'm fun-size. But if you're going to call me that, I'm calling you Tobi." I smile as we pull away for one another.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "Go to bed."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Instructor, sir." I mock salute him as I open the door.

Four shoves me inside and I squeal. "Night, munchkin. I'll see you tomorrow." He grins.

"Night, Tobi." I say and then close and lock the front door.

I tiptoe to my bedroom and remove my clothes. After a quick shower, I throw on sweats and a tank top and crawl into bed.

Hypnotic (Eric x OC) divergent fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now