Eric's POV

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I'm sitting in the conference room, trying to pay attention to Max but all I can think about is Ophelia. I'm thankful that Four is there to watch over her, but I just can't relax.

As soon as I found out I was going to be stuck in meetings the rest of the day, I went to find Four. I could tell he didn't want to help me, but as soon as I explained the situation he agreed. We seem to have an understanding when it comes to Ophelia.

The hours tick by slowly and finally we're released. Before I have time to escape, James is by my side.

"We're all going out tonight. It's kind of a mandatory thing, otherwise I wouldn't be inviting you."

I grit my teeth. "I can't. I already have plans."

"This is non-negotiable. Max said all leaders are to be there for bonding, or some bullshit. You're not getting out of it."

I run my fingers through my hair. "Fine. Let me go change and I'll meet you all there." I'm hoping I can find Ophelia and explain to her why I have to bail.

James shakes his head. "We're all going over together. Now."

My already bad mood has just taken a turn for the worse. Everyone better keep their distance tonight, I won't be putting up with anything.

We enter the bar and I immediately get a drink. I sit down on the barstool, not even caring that I'm not at the booth the other leaders have claimed.

The bartender recognizes me and brings over a glass and a bottle of whiskey. He sets them down without a word and then continues getting other people their drinks.

I slam the shots down and realize I'm about five drinks deep before I look around, taking note of who's in the bar tonight.

The leaders are at a booth in the back and there are plenty of other dauntless here, dancing and hooking up. My thoughts drift to Ophelia and how I'd rather be with her than here in this small piece of my own personal hell.

I'm so distracted that I don't even notice when someone sits beside me. "What are you doing here?" They ask.

I look to my right and see it's Four. "Leadership bonding. What does it look like?" I slur.

"It looks like the Leaders are back there and you're up here, getting drunk by yourself, as usual."

There's judgement in his tone and if he hadn't just done me a favor, I'd knock his ass to the floor. "I don't care what you think about me." I say filling my glass with more whiskey.

"Well do you care what Ophelia thinks?" His words snap me out of my drunken haze. "She came to the control room looking for you. I knew you were here but didn't say anything. She's a smart girl though, I doubt it'll take her long to figure it out."

As if on cue, Ophelia walks into the bar. She's in a pair of maroon lace shorts and black tank top. She looks pissed.

When she catches sight of me and Four she storms over. "Good luck." He says, and takes off before Phe can reach us.

"Thanks for the help, Four!" She shouts at his retreating back. "And what the hell are you doing?" Now her anger is directed at me.

"I was voluntold to be here by Leadership. I never would have flaked on you and Hudson. You know that." I know that beyond being mad, she's mostly hurt.

"Really?" She scoffs. "I see no other Leaders here."

I look around and notice she's right, they've all left. Shit. Now this looks bad.

"Phe, you have to believe me. Ask Four." I say.

"Oh yea, because he's been so honest with me tonight." Her voice is on edge and I know she's either about to start screaming or crying.

The bartender approaches us. "Ophelia, I'm sorry to interrupt, but you can't be in here, you're not finished with initiation.

"Shut it, Andrew. I'm not drinking, I'm just talking to Eric." She snaps.


"But nothing! If you still want that date with Arri, you'll walk away." After that comment he shuts his mouth, which was hanging open, and heads down the bar in the opposite direction.

I snort, finding it funny that someone can find a person of her size intimidating. The sound brings her focus back to me and she whips around. "Don't think I'm finished with you."

At this point I've had enough of her attitude. I've done nothing wrong, regardless of how it looks, and won't let her keep talking to me like this. "Ophelia." I warn.

"Eric." She mocks.

I stand up, grasping the empty glass in my hand. "Check yourself." Is all I say. I take a threatening step towards her, hoping she'll back down. She doesn't.

"Or what?" She fixes me with a hard glare. If she was talking to anyone else, I'd be proud of the way she's sticking up for herself. But she's talking to me, and I'm drunk.

Everything moves in slow motion at what happens next. I'm frustrated with work and James, beyond angry with Levi, annoyed with the smart ass remarks in getting from Phe, and above all else, I'm heavily intoxicated.

"Damn it, Ophelia!" I shout, taking the empty glass in my hand and throwing it at the ground beside her. 'Fuck!' I think the second it leaves my grasp.

She flinches as the glass shatters and shards fly up around her. She stands there, frozen in shock and afraid to move.

Even I can't believe what I've just done. "God, Phe, I-" She doesn't let me finish as she turns and runs from the bar.

It takes me about a second to react as I sloppily run after her. "Ophelia, wait!" I call out. She doesn't stop.

I'm thankful for my height, as my strides are much longer than hers, and even though I'm drunk I've almost caught up to her.

I grab her arm in an attempt to slow her down, and to my surprise she stops. She twists around and the betrayal on her face makes me nauseous. "I'm so so sorry." I whisper, afraid to even raise my voice at her now.

"Don't, Eric. Just don't." She says.

I remove my hand from her arm once I know she's not going to run off again and it feels wet.

I turn it over, bringing it closer to my face and see there's blood on it. The glass cut her. I cut her. I'm speechless.

"I tried to give you another chance, but you haven't changed. You're worse." She says. There's a finality to her tone that terrifies me.

"What are you saying?" I can feel my whole world slipping away from me once again.

I see her swallow nervously. "I'm saying I can't do this with you anymore. Let me finish initiation and we'll see where we stand afterwards."

"Phe, I'm so sorry." I apologize again. "I would never do that normally."

She's silent and I know nothing I say will change her mind right now, I'll have to respect her decision. "Can I please still have time with Hudson?" I beg.

"You have a problem, Eric, and until you get it under control I don't think that's a good idea."

I feel like I've been stabbed. "Ophelia, I have this problem because we broke up, not being together will only make it worse." I try to explain.

"Then prove to me that Hudson and I are what you really want." She says.

"Ok." I nod. "How? I'll do anything."

"Stop drinking." Is all that comes out of her mouth. And as she turns, she takes her heart and walks away.

Hypnotic (Eric x OC) divergent fanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя