Blood Steam

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Laurences POV

My eyes widened as I heard what Dante said. "They must of..." Dante said and his eyes showed a glimspe of fear. "We have to...get her back" I said. "Yeah, lets go" Dante agreed. "We...better hurry!" Dante said and we started running in the forest.

Kristi's POV

My eyes fluttered open to see I was chained in a cell. The Okhasis dungeon. "Ahhh...your awake princess" Said Zanes voice. "Let me go!" I screamed at him squirming against the restraints. "Woah, chill down or I will blow this whistle" he said and I stopped squirming. "How many maidens have you taken WyvernScale" I said narrowing my eyes. "About 5. Your my first...princess.." Zane said looking at me. "And, The others,...Th-they got killed by my guards because they tried killing them and Im sure,you dont want to die do you sweetie?" Zane said smirking, "Why me...." I whispered softly. He lifted my head with his index finger. "Because, I saw a spark in you, and From when I saw that...I wanted you." He replied. "Now, if you folloe me to your room..." Zane said pulling the restraints off of me and holding my hand. Dragging me to a new room. "Here it is. You will be sleeping here. Some nights I might want to sleep with you" Zane said. "Oh and theres clothes in the wardrobe". He closed the door leaving me alone. I sighed and went to the window and looked at the blue sky, "" I sighed and sang a song softly. My mother sang this to me.. '"The sunlight will dance upon your eyes. As the Phoenix screeches a loud cry. Many tears you'd cry, as the whistle will be blown tonight. Now listen to the darkness, and follow your heart. Fly high with your phoenix feathers and burn down your enemys, Many lies they'll tell to corrupt your sleep, but you fought and held your tears as you ran the katana's down their throat"' I sighed as a tear fell and I didnt know Zane was there. "Beautiful..." He said softly and approached me. I jumped up shocked. "O-oh your here!" I said eyes wide. "What was the song about..?" He asked. "Its what my mom sang me...its about defeating the darkness" I answered and looked at him. He was close...too close for comfort but I didnt really care at the moment but then...he hugged me. It was a warm gentle hug...It..was ama- wait no. He's the enemy he kidnapped you...

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