A Phoenix In The Sky

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Laurence's POV

I woke up and realised Kristi wasnt cuddled beside me anymore. My heart dropped a bit but I got over it. I sighed and got up and went outside to see Dante and Kristi talking while Garroth and Aphmau guided the ship. I walked over to Kristi and Dante,"Hi guys" I said yawning. "Hi Laurence" Dante said and Kristi nodded a hello. "So whats up?" I asked. "The s- A PHOENIX AND WYVERN" Kristi replied and pointed at the creaturs circling the ship. Kristi shivered and luckly she had her armor on with her katanas. She was ready for battle. Dante was to but...I wasnt.

Kristi's POV

I remember them...screaching and pecking at me trying to take me away... Everyone watched and didnt help. "Help me!" I cried and they just stood there. I luckly found katanas and fought the beasts into their cages. They were wounded...but not close to death. Everyone murmered and Aidrean approached me and whispered "its time to go to Okhasis" I refused and smacked him and ran until I ran into a witch making her spill a potion on me...making my brown and my brown hair got shorter I also had...ripped jeans a hoodie. She cackled and I screamed. When everyone approached I became a peasent instantly and had to do what ever they said.

A single tear fell and they flew back to where they came from. But luckly an hour later...we were in PhoenixDrop. Everyone watched us as I entered the guard tower I went into my room...locked the door...and I cried into my pillow. "Theyre...coming for me.."

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