'Think of it as a mission if you would....'

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The Hokage inhaled from his pipe, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs and settle. A content feeling warming his chest before breathing out a ring of smoke as a young ANBU emerges.

The ANBU didn't appear to be more than twelve years old. 'The poor thing. Fighting for her life like it's normal. No child should have to live through that.' The Hokage's thoughts were as clouded as the smoke he exhaled, his gaze becoming oddly fixated on the slight chips in the wooden door frame.

Whether or not the smoke had a hand in this newly found attention was anyone's guess. Thoughts on how the frame became chipped remained only escalated, until he was broken out of his revere by the ANBU clearing her throat. He had almost forgotten she was even there.

"Permission to speak freely, Lord Hokage?" Asked the girl, her voice smooth as silver.

"Granted, Marionette."

"Why was I called here, Lord Hokage?"

The Hokage closed his eyes momentarily, relaxation setting in as he exhaled once again before responding. "I have a mission for you. Take it. Leave immediately," he stated, his gaze becoming solely focused on the figure as she's handed a file. "I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow. After your mission we have important matters to discuss."

She took the file, bowing low before teleporting to her apartment.

/ 🧞‍♂️ /


LOCATION: Past the boarder of Konohagakure and Amegakure (Village Hidden by Rain).
Target located within cave system.

'Hmmm seems simple enough.' She mused absentmindedly. The girl changed into her interesting choice of ninja attire,  consisting of a small black dress with small black shorts, white bow around her waist with white trims and cuffs. Much like a maids uniform she'd been told once or twice. The reason behind the outfit was a running joke between her father and herself, one which he'd rather forget.

She pocketed a handful of throwing stars but otherwise left empty handed.

But she was far from defenceless.


A small figure made their way to the boarder of Amegakure and Konohagakure, quickly locating a series of musky water logged caves. Bandits from the Rain Village were said to be at this location. The small figure entered loudly, her shoes deliberately thudding and splashing through the puddles as she attempted not to breath in the stench of the caves. Though it couldn't be helped.

The current inhabitants' eyes dart to the entrance in anticipation, all readying their weapons and ready for a fight. None of the bandits were expecting a sopping wet, marionette like girl with silver hair sticking to the sides of her face.

Her lips tinged a slight blue or maybe it just appeared that way, due to her extremely pale complexion which only emphasised blue coloured veins that mapped her skin. She was no older then twelve and soaked to the bone, leaving her clothes to stick to her lean frame in an unflattering manner. To make the situation even better, she was inside their secret hideout.

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