"It can't be Nik" Rebekah gasped.

"Elijah said she died" the blonde continued, making me scoff.

"Obviously, our brother was wrong, because it looks like the siren of New Orleans is alive and well" Klaus mused.

"It could be a trick maybe ..."

"I doubt it Rebekah, if I remember correctly Elijah used to import this stuff by the case load for his dear siren" he remembered how touching.

"I'll have to ask our good friend Marcel why he didn't tell us that she was still alive!" Klaus continued slamming the bottle down on the table, I was surprised it didn't smash due to his actions.

"Nik you know that Marcel would do anything Giselle sayes, he's always been wary of her ever since he was a child" Bekah snapped defending Marcel just like old times.

"It doesn't matter he lied to us Rebekah" Klaus shouted.

"That doesn't matter right now Nik, the bigger question is how did she know we were staying here and what if she finds out about Haley and the baby?" Rebekah questioned gesturing to the wolf who until now had stood quietly in the room watching the sibling bicker.

"Who is this Giselle person anyway" the wolf asked rubbing her prominent belly.

"Hopefully no one for you to worry about love" Klaus sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"But who is she?" the wolf persisted.

"Elijah's wife" Rebekah finally answered.

"If she is Elijah's wife then why are you two so worried about her knowing I'm carrying your child?" Haley questioned gesturing in Klaus direction.

I chocked on my own spit when the wolf finished, this was the last thing I expected to find out coming here tonight, how was this even possible I wondered.

"Because all of us thought she was dead for a century" Bekah answered.

"And until I know what she wants, I don't want Giselle Claire anywhere near my child" Klaus snapped storming out of the room.

"One last question, why are you both so on edge I mean she can't be that bad if someone like Elijah married her" Haley wondered, obviously confused by the entire situation.

"Giselle isn't just a vampire, she's also a very powerful very dark witch, it's frightening what she can do and that's coming from an original, if she's on Marcel's side then we are in some serious trouble" Rebekah stated.

I left after Rebekah's statement knowing that I had rattled them enough for one night, on the way home I mulled over my new-found knowledge wondering how the hell Klaus got someone pregnant.


It was time for the big reveal, it happened the night after the festival when Davina was supposed to be moved to a safe house, something happened I was unclear on the details, but all I knew was that Davina was still in the attic.

That wasn't the reason for my decision, Elijah's blood on my map had moved he was back at the plantation with his siblings and Klaus baby Mama, I don't know how Elijah was freed but he was.

This called for the perfect outfit, I looked in my closet searching for something that would make a statement, a moment later the perfect outfit caught my eye.

I looked in the mirror after I had finished getting ready. This would definably catch their attention. It had been nearly a century since I seen them so forgive me if I wanted to look unforgettable. I was wearing a skin tight black crop-top my bust looked fantastic! I paired it with a white pencil skirt, which was like a second skin, that stopped just over my knees.

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