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Blood seeped through the cloth I'd tied around my hand. The chilled wind sunk into my bones. Houndoom was getting cold too, so I had to hurry... Froslass teleported us close to the city. Her blue eyes looked at me. I shook my head.
"Don't. I'll be fine." Houndoom nudged my arm. I petted him. "Its not your fault, bud. You did what I told you to." I could see a Pokemon center in sight, so I returned Houndoom and an unwilling Froslass. Stumbling, I managed to walk through the snow that now coated the ground. My head began hurting at some point, and everything was becoming blurry. I may have tripped over something, because the next thing I knew, I was down in the snow. And very cold. I got back up, but I didn't get further than four feet before I fell again. My arms were numb. So was my face. I forced myself up again and began walking.
The red door was finally in view. So close... I stepped closer, but my foot slipped. I was only vaguely aware of my right wrist hitting something hard, and slight pain. Everything went black moments later.
Bright lights shined over the boy. He blinked his eyes. There were three girls with pink hair in the room with him. Two were wiping blood away from his hand, which was now stitched up. The third was tightening a bandage around his other wrist. He watched as the nurse finished wrapping his wrist until she brought her face up and saw that he was awake.
"Good. You're awake," she mumbled. The other two girls hurried over, unintentionally pushing her away.
"How are you feeling?"
"What is your name?" The boy didn't respond. His green eyes flashed around the room with a panicked expression. He took in the medical equipment, the bed, the pokéballs symbols, as well as the three pink haired girls in front of him, and sighed in relief.
I thought for a moment that they'd found me...
One girl shook his elbow gently. "Hey, what's your name?"
"H-Hunter..." He stuttered as she wrote it down. Relax, no one else except Chase and Ombré know that's your real name.
Except Ghetsis...
A new thought flashed across his mind. "Where are my Pokémon?" He blurted out.
"Those two? We've put them in the healing machine as a precaution. When we took a look at them though, they were in fairly good shape, especially that Froslass of yours," one explained. He eyed the girls closely. They seemed identical, but the blue of one's eyes was different than the blue eyes of the other two. And one of the girls stood apart from the other nurses. Like them, she had a friendly smile on her face.
Yet her eyes were empty.
While the other two nurses prattled on and on about how he shouldn't have been outside so long, and how he should've come to the center sooner, he noticed the third silently slip out of the room. ???
They asked him questions about where he lived, who his family was, and such. He gave them a fake address in Castelia City, with an older brother who went by the name of Nat. Of course, this was also fake, but it did have a grain of truth to it. He did look up to Lord N, whose real name was Natural, once. The young king had had more of his trust than Ghetsis did.
Too bad they were both manipulated by that prick.
By the time the one girl had come back, the other two had left, saying that they would leave him to his rest. The third girl stepped back into the room holding two pokéballs, lighting up his face as he eagerly took the capsules from her. Pressing both buttons simultaneously, both his Pokémon appeared through the beams of red light. Houndoom saw his master and pounced on the bed, licking Hunter's face. Tears streamed downed the hell hound's face. The nurse watched from a distance. She wouldn't interrupt this reunion. Her sisters, yes, but not her.
"It's okay, boy. I'm fine," the boy murmured into his fur. Once Houndoom backed away, Froslass hovered forward a little, then launched herself at him. High pitched chirps came out of her mouth as she scolded him. Bits of snow splashed onto his pitch black hair. For the first time since she'd seen this boy awake, Suzanne could see that he was smiling.
"Ok, ok! I'm ok, Froslass! Really!" He laughed.
"Enjoy your evening," the nurse said softly as she turned to leave. He looked up at the nurse.
"Hey, um..." She stopped. "Thanks. You know, for helping me. You and the other nurses. And for bringing me my Pokemon." The nurse only nodded and gave a faint smile.
"That's my job. So you're welcome." She opened the door to leave, but paused once again. "I'm not exactly sure what you were doing out in a storm like that, but please be more careful. Your wounds could've been much more serious due to the freezing temperature, and you're lucky you were close to the center and a passerby saw you." The boy nodded, expecting that to be it, but he was wrong.
"And there's been a sighting of a Team Plasma Shadow in the area. Personally, I'm not too worried, but better safe than sorry, right? Use caution." Hunter froze, but regained his composure.
"I will. Thanks." She turned and left with a swish of her pink tepig tails.
Has word spread this far already? Wasn't there only one person who saw me?

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