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Suzanne ran back to the Center as fast as she could with Mien on her heel. She ignored the people who woke up and stared at her as she rushed in loudly.
This is huge! I have to tell someone!
She ran down the hallway and threw on her uniform quickly before rushing to the counter to her sisters. Laila's eyes dialated. "You're back already?"
"Usually one of us has to go out and find you," Bethany added. Suzanne shook her head.
"I saw a Team Plasma Shadow!" She whispered harshly. "What was I supposed to do?!" Bethany jolted up.
"One of the Shadow Triad?!" Suzanne nodded. "Where?"
"Near Dragonspiral Tower." The flat of Laila's hand smacked Suzanne's head. "Ow! What?"
"Mom told us not to go near the tower, you idiot!" She scolded. Bethany nodded.
"Susie, you know it's not safe-"
"I had Mien-" she argued. Both her sisters shook their heads.
"Having Mien with you isn't enough. Susie, the Shadow Triad are dangerous. One of them could have kidnapped you." The youngest of the three snorted.
"Yeah, right. How would Team Plasma benefit from kidnapping a Nurse Joy like me?" Laila sighed.
"I don't know. Just be more careful. I don't want to lose my little sister." Bethany hugged both of them gently.
"It's really just the three of us. Dad's gone, and Mom always has work since she's Head Joy now. We have to watch out for each other."
"But do we really have to wear these stupid pink wigs?" Suzanne whined. Bethany cracked a smile.
"Yeah, we do. It's protocol, Suz," Laila explained. "So about that Shadow, are you sure it was him?" She nodded.
"It was a guy with shoulder length white hair, dark clothes, and silver eyes. That sort of spells Shadow Triad."
"But you only saw one?" Bethany pressed. Suzanne nodded.
"Just one. He vanished as soon as he saw me."
Laila thought for a moment. "I wonder...."
"The Triad generally moves around together, sort of like the Striaton Trio..."
Suzanne gasped. "Are you saying the Striaton triplets are the Shadow Triad?!"
"No! Do you honestly think someone like Chili could even hurt someone if he wanted to? He's just a flirt," Bethany rebutted. Her sisters snickered.
"But you think he's cute," Laila teased, taking pleasure in the way her older sister's cheeks turned red.
"Shut up."
"Okay. Anyways, I just think it's strange that there was only one Shadow. Maybe something's going to happen...."
"Just be careful, Suzanne. We'll tell Officer Jenny in the morning," Bethany finished for her. No sooner had she finished, had an older man ran to the front desk. Worry etched on his face.
"Someone, help! Please! It's an emergency! A boy is outside and he's nearly frozen! I'd have brought him in myself, but I wasn't strong enough-"
"Thank you, sir. We'll take care of him," Bethany said soothingly to him as Laila and Suzanne hurried outside.
A few yards from the door, the snow was stained red. Laila flinched that first second as her younger sister went straight to the boy. Ignoring the blood, she grasped his shoulder firmly. He was only wearing a thin A-shirt and dark pants, and his skin was like ice. "Laila, help me!" She hollered. Her sister came and grasped his other shoulder. Together, they carried him between them. Suzanne got a better look at him. His eyelids were a pale blue, and snowflakes dusted his black hair. He looked almost her age, but his face was thin. Questions filled her mind.
Why didn't you have a coat? Why were you out in this snowstorm? Who would be this insane? What attacked you? There was one she always came back to.
Who are you?

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