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Dammit!! I've been free for less than four minutes, and I've already been spotted!

The shadow swore to himself, huddled against a hillside on the edge of the city. The snow that had been coming down near Dragonspiral Tower now fell in Icirrus City. He just had to be seen. It was only a matter of time before that girl ran to the police. They'd be on him like Wingull on Magikarp. Even if he evaded them, Ghetsis would find out as well...

The other two would find him and drag him back. He shook his head and walked towards Route Eight. Normally, he'd warp there, but he specifically left footprints every few yards. He stopped once he was far along the trail and stared at himself in the water. A narrow, gaunt face reflected back. His silver eyes were dull, and his hair was a mess.

What do I do now?

Stupidly, in his rage, the shadow hadn't brought any supplies. He was hungry, thirsty, and was freezing. Why did he have to be so stupid? But it was too late to go back now. The other two would teach him a lesson. One that wouldn't result with him walking away with any broken bones.
Still, those two were the closest thing he had to family. The only people he had really ever known had been Chase and Ombre, the other two Shadows. They were the ones who made the deal with Ghetsis. He himself had only agreed because he felt as indebted as an eight year old could at the time, and because Chase and Ombre agreed.

There was nothing he had ever regretted so much in his sixteen years of life.

He tossed out two pokéballs. Out of one, a Houndoom landed swiftly in the soft snow. The other released a froslass, a pokémon he never released in public or around the others. While Houndoom stood guard emotionlessly, the ice-ghost type floated to the shadow and gave him a grim smile, like she knew what he'd done.

"Don't give me that look," he muttered. He looked up. It would be dark soon, and the snow was getting heavier. It would only get colder. An idea came to him suddenly.

"Houndoom, here boy," he called to the Dark-Fire type. The dog padded through the snow to him. "Use Beat Up on the ice there," he commanded, pointing to the frozen pond. The houndoom looked at him like he was crazy, but obeyed regardless and shattered the ice. He looked surprised as his master then removed his dark vest, leaving him in only a gray A-shirt in the frigid cold. "Rip this up," he ordered. The pokémon obeyed the strange commands. The young man then held out his hand. "Now scratch me." Houndoom shook his head and backed away. He drew the line there "Please," the boy pleaded. Reluctantly, Houndoom raked his claws against his master's flesh, wincing upon seeing his master's teeth clenched in pain. Seconds later, blood poured out of the wound. Froslass went beserk. The Shadow walked around, his blood dripping. Then he shocked his pokémon with what he did next.

He brought his clean hand up to his eyes and gently touched the surface of them, removing pieces of plastic. He flicked them in the pond. With one jerk, he pulled his white hair, taking it off completely. A few drops of blood fell on the wig, but that didn't matter. He simply tossed it in the water as well and wiped his bloody hand on the snow.

He reached in his pocket and found a cloth. Thank Arceus I had a handkerchief... He wrapped it around his wounded hand and turned back to his pokémon. Houndoom froze from shock, but Froslass gave her master a lazy smile as she recognized him for the first time in years. Yet Houndoom couldn't believe his eyes.

The white hair-gone, it was a wig. The silver eyes- also gone. They were only contacts. After all this time, it was fake. The light may have been dim, but both Froslass and Houndoom saw the person in front of them. They didn't see a Team Plasma Shadow.

Only a teenage boy with black hair and the greenest eyes they had ever seen.

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