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"We can either bring her background to our Master, or we can dispose of her now. I prefer the latter." The green eyed boy's eyes widened as the two muscular men began coming her way, and terrifying thoughts rushed through Suzanne's mind.

"Stop! She's just a nurse!" A mienfoo launched herself at one to protect her mistress, but a smack from the Shadow knocked her aside into the snow, unconscious. Just before the Shadows could attack though, Hunter's eyes darkened, and he vanished. Sturdy arms appeared around the nurse's waist an instant later. She became very cold, and everything turned black.
It was fortunate that nobody was out and about on Narrow Street in Castelia City at this hour. Otherwise they may have been given quite a scare when they saw a teenaged boy holding an unconscious Nurse Joy appear out of the shadows. The boy glanced at the girl, who had lost consciousness when they vanished. "Dammit," he swore.

It wasn't too surprising that the Nurse passed out during shadow travel; human bodies weren't meant to dissolve and become one with darkness. It caused their blood vessels to expand, and dropped their blood pressure. Although, Hunter was pretty sure he, Ombré, and Chase, still had human bodies.

...screw that. Obviously our bodies are different because there's no way we're human, the boy thought bitterly. He looked down at his hand in the dim alley light, and already it was slightly transparent, just blending into the darkness.

Hunter sighed, and lifted the unconscious girl into his arms again. Luckily, she didn't weigh much. He focused the shadows within that alley around them, and they simple winked out of sight.

His body re-materialized inside an unfurnished apartment. All that was present was a plain table with two chairs, a stove, a sink, and a cot. In the back was a tiny bathroom with hardly enough room for even one person.

Hunter made his way across the floor to lay the girl on the cot, but she shook her head in her sleep; her mouth moving just slightly. He studied her face a bit more, confirming that this was the kind Nurse who had brought his Pokémon to him while the other two had questioned him.

Truthfully, he'd never really been able to tell them apart. All of the Center Nurses wore the same uniform, and had the same hair and eyes. He'd never really looked at their actual faces before. The Triad never had to depend on Centers to heal their Pokémon- not when Anthea and Concordia were able to do it naturally and much more quickly.

He had noticed back at the Center though, that the eyes of the three girls weren't the same shade of blue. I wonder if they alter their appearances as well, that way they look the same...

If they did, that only proves one thing. Whether you're operating in daylight or the shadows, the easiest way to make it so that no one remembers you, is to make yourselves identical to one another. The face of a Nurse Joy is a face everyone knows, and it's a face they're happy to see. That might not be the same if they showed their real appearances.

The same idea applied to the Shadow Triad. Only, their appearance instilled fear into most people, and anger into those annoying Trainers looking to become vigilantes. It would take more Trainers like the one who had been able to show Lord N the truth to be able to overcome Ghetsis.

But, it would seem that she had gotten herself involved on accident. While bright pink locks fell around her shoulders as she slept unconsciously, Hunter did take into account that she was wearing normal clothes, not the Center uniform.

At least that's easy to hide. But that hair is going to be a pain to disguise... Would she be willing to dye it maybe...?

Hunter heard faint coughing from the cot, and then a sharp intake of air. Bright blue eyes blinked at him quickly.

"Where am I?" The girl asked quickly. He could hear the fear in her voice. Then her eyes landed on him. "Hunter? Why are you here? Wait, what even happened?"

"You saw something you weren't supposed to," he forced himself to say. She shook her head, pink hair flying.

"Why would two of the Shadow Triad want you though? No offense," she added. Hunter sighed, and released his two pokéballs, allowing Houndoom and Froslass to exit their pokéballs.

He sighed. "Can you keep a secret?" The Nurse nodded rapidly.

"You have my word." He inhaled a deep breath.

"My name is Hunter Kerwin. Those two Shadows are looking for me because I'm the third Shadow. I ran away from Team Plasma."

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