Chapter 45- When everything couldn't get any worse

Start from the beginning

"Come on" He said as he was about to pick me up

"No. I can walk"

"Haley you can't walk you ankle is-"

"It's fine Daryl!" I snapped "I can walk"

I instantly felt bad. He nodded as we began walking to the rest of the group now talking to the man. He looked fine, good for him. He introduced himself. He looked decent. Carl handed him food as they all continued to talk.

"Do you have a camp?" Gabriel asked

"No. Do you?" Rick answered quickly

He stayed silent for a bit "I have a church"

That made me flinch

"Hold you hands above your head" Rick said

Gabriel did as he was told while Rick searched him

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked

Gabriel scoffed "Not any, actually"

"Turn around" Rick said turning the man around as he continued to search him. He then continued to ask the three questions "How many people have you killed?"

"None" He flat out said

"Why?" Rick asked

"Because the Lord abhors violence"


"What have you done?" Rick asked getting in his face

Gabriel looked at us then him

"We've all done something" Rick said

"I'm a sinner. I sin almost every day"

No shit

"But those sins I confess them to God, not strangers" He said looking at us then back at him

"You said you had a church" Michonne said leaning against a rock

He nodded "Come on, it's this way"

He began walking and we all followed behind. We walked for a good while. Daryl helped me, and also Carol. One each side they basically carried me. Soon we arrived at the church. It was small, but looked cosy. He walked up the small steps and to the door

"Hold up. Can we take a look around first?" Rick asked approaching the door

Gabriel gave him the key and it opened it. I waited outside with Carl as they looked inside

"What happened?" Gabriel asked me looking at my ankle

I placed my hand on my hip as I basically laid my weight on Carl

"Landed wrong" I simply said

Not a minute later Rick and the rest came back out

"We found a short bus out back. It don't run, but I bet we could fix that in less than a day or two" Abraham said "Looks like we found ourselves some transport"

Is this guy serious?

"Now that we can take a breath" I said

"We take a breath we slow down, shit inevitably goes down" Abraham said interrupting me and glaring at me

"What the hell is wrong with you? Have you seen my ankle? Stop being so damn selfish and let us take a break!" I nearly yelled

"We also need food, water, ammunition" Rick said as we all entered

Abraham stayed behind outside for a bit. Then eventually walked in.

"We gotta go out for supplies" Glenn said

"We just got here" I said

"We won't be long" Rick said

I sat down and looked at Daryl "Becareful please"

"I will" He kissed my forehead before leaving with Carol

By nightfall they all came back. We all laid around. Daryl went to the restroom outside. Carol walked over and slightly smiled

"How are you feeling?" She asked

I shrugged "The walker kinda made it worse"

"Let me take a look"

I had to wrapped up and right when she unwrapped it looked bad. She examined it and everytime I gave out a wince. Right after Daryl came back

"Hey what's going on?" Daryl asked sitting back next to me

"It's not good news" Carol said standing up

That got everyone quiet

"Her foots broken. She needs time to heal. A place where we can stay for a good amount of time so she can heal. She can't keep going on without making it worse"

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