Chapter 17~ Cheshire Cat on Crack

Start from the beginning

Speaking of Sabrina, it had been a few days since I'd last checked the hate page dedicated to me that Sabrina had going on, but after my announcement with Noah I was pretty sure there would be some more rumours flying around the school in no time.

"Hey Sabrina, JC. What's going on?" I nodded politely to each of them, trying to keep my expression light as I reached for Noah's hand. Sabrina's eyes flitted to our interlaced fingers before she smiled dazzlingly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, nothing really. JC and I were just discussing how adorable you two are together, weren't we?" Sabrina asked JC, shooting a piercing stare at him.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Oh, err, yeah."

Sabrina smiled once again and turned to me. "Issy, want to go for a little walk with me? We have a lot to catch up on."

I glanced up at Noah and found that his gaze was locked on Sabrina, and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. What the hell did that boy see in her?

Unravelling my hand from Noah's unsurely, I nodded and stepped away from the boys towards Sabrina.

"I'll catch up with you later... babe." Noah winked at me, and I nodded before jogging to catch up with Sabrina, who was already quite a way down the beach. We walked in silence for a few moments before Sabrina stopped abruptly, turning to look out over the ocean.

"You and Noah make a cute couple." She told me simply, the wind whipping her dark hair behind her head.

I opened my mouth to ask her what she meant, but she cut me off.

"But that doesn't mean that I think you're good for him. Or that he's good for you. In fact, if anything, he'll probably blow your chances of going to college." Sabrina informed me, and I resisted the urge the sigh. She was jealous to the max, which I supposed was what we wanted.

"Honestly," she continued, "you don't know... Nate?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Nate?"

A huge smile broke over Sabrina's face and she pushed me out of her way as she ran towards something behind me. With raised eyebrows I turned around and spotted none other than Nate, Noah's infamous older brother who had moved to college a few years ago, standing in front of the bonfire.

Sabrina squealed and ran over to fling her arms around him, and he stared at her distastefully, prying her arms from his neck. A second later Noah appeared and embraced his brother, and I could see from the look on his face that he was surprised. How long had it been since the two had seen each other?

Noah looked around then spotted me, a huge grin lighting up his face. "Hey Little Cupid, come here!"

My stomach flip flopped at the thought of meeting the eldest Jones brother, but I plastered on a smile and walked over. Noah immediately pulled me into his arms, capturing my back against his chest. My body tingled where he touched me, and it scared me for a reason that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"I remember you." Nate grinned, shaking his head. I smiled. Wasn't it funny how Nate had merely passed me by in hallways and he remembered me, but Noah shared my classes and didn't even know who I was until a month and a half ago?

"You do?" I questioned shyly, feeling slightly embarrassed that I was still locked in Noah's arms as I met his brother for the first time.

Nate nodded. "Yeah, Isabelle right? I remember when you were a Freshman. Now look at you; all grown up and dating my little brother."

Well, the first part was true. I was grown up. I was also surprised that he remembered my face, much less my name.

"Wow, I'm impressed you remember me." I admitted with a smile. "I honestly thought you'd have no clue who I was."

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