Chapter 10

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Scott, Kira, Lydia, Malia, and Stiles were at the school today because they were taking the PSATS. I wanted to go but I hadn't subbed up to do it and I was into a freshman, so I couldn't do it.

Liam texted me. He hadn't texted me out if the blue for a while. Or for that matter, at all.

Liam: So, you wanna go out today?

I smiled, extremely excited. A date. With Liam Dunbar.

I began typing a message.

Nina: Of course. I've been waiting for a while now. Wherever you want to go, my place yours.

Okay that sounds really weird outside of my head. I deleted every letter and started from scratch.

Nina: Sure, meet me in the forest in an hour.

I threw my phone down on my bed and quickly got ready to meet him in the forest.

Once I got dressed I ran outside, too quickly because I didnt even realize that j had run so far into the forest that I was very early.

I got to the forest and walked around trying to listen for leaves or branches crunching under weight.

I heard but it was just me.

"Hey," a voice said from behind me.

I quickly turned around and saw Liam.

He walked over to me and smiled. I smiled back at him nervously.

"Why did you want to meet here?" he asked.

I held my hand out for him to grab. He took it and I lead him to the edge of the cliff.

Where Scott first took me when he told me about the supernatural world.

"We're not going over there are we?" he asked.

I chuckled. "No, we're gonna just sit here and we can talk."

He smiled and we sat down.

"How are you feeling since, you know." I asked crossing my legs.

"I'm still having trouble with control, Scott said the only thing that keeps him, or me, or anything in control, is an anchor."

"Something that keeps you down, in control and calm." I mumbled.

"I just don't know what keeps someone like me, in control."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "It'll get easier, you just have to learn how to be calm and be less angry when you shift."

"It's not that easy for an IED."

I pulled my arm away. "You have intermentent explosive disorder, Liam. You just have some anger issues."

"If you want to get technical, yeah."

I sighed knowing I probably just hurt his feelings.

"You just need to find something that keeps You calm when you shift, and when you're still human."

He looked at me. "The triggers, they only happen at certain times. If I see someone, or something, I just, explode."

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. He needed help keeping himself in control

I got an idea and stood up from the ground. "Come on, I'll help you."

"How? I can't even help myself."

I put out my hands for him to grab and help him up. He looked at me with hesitancy and grabbed my hand.

He stood up a and dusted himself off. We began walking on the edge on the cliff and talking.

"Have you told anyone?" he asked.

"Besides you? Only my mom." I said looking to the distance in nervousness.

"Why?" His question made me really. Think about why I didn't tell anyone.

I stopped. "I'm afraid I'll get pulled into a fight where I won't be able to help because Kira is so worried about me."

Kira had always been an over protective sister, not wanting me to get in any trouble or danger in any situation. Now that we were apart of the supernatural world, that danger could be around any corner.

"What's the big deal about having someone worry about you?" he asked.

I sighed and threw my head back in frustration. "It's a big deal when they won't let you fight. Just like when Scott didn't want you to play at the game."

"Nina, that's not what I was," He was cut off by my phone ringing.

Stiles's name and a picture of him slightly smiling popped up.

I answered the phone. "What's up?"

"Get to the school, now. I don't have time to explain, just tell them the Rashi mushrooms."

I could hear the panic in his voice as he was trying to get out of somewhere. "Stiles what are you talking about?"

"Scott, Kira, and Malia, they're in danger. Go to the Hale vault, it's in the school basement. Tell them the Rashi is on the shelves."

"Stiles, what-" I was cut off by him hanging up.

I looked at my phone with a look of confusion and worry.

I turned around and looked at Liam.

"I gotta go, like now." I stammered. I began backing up to start running away.

"What? I'll go with you."

I pushed my hands out in front of me. "No! You have to stay here. I'm sorry."

I turned around and began running towards the school.

I had to get there and save Kira, I had to.
* *
I ran to the basement and found a symbol, I think was called a triscallion, on a stone wall in a circle with markings on it.

I pounded on the wall.

"Scott, Kira!" I shouted.

I pounded more until I heard a faint voice.
"Where are you?" Kira's soft voice shuddered.

"Kira, look for the, Rashi, it's on the shelves."

The voices began to get fainter and I pounded harder.

"Kira! Scott!" I cried and my knees gave out under me. I cried.

Stiles ran over to me with blood sprayed all over his face.

He got the door hard. "Scott?" he hit harder with his palm.

The door then sprang open and I saw Scott breathing heavily on the floor.

He hugged Stiles and I crawled to Kira.

I wrapped my arms around her and she hugged me tightly.

"You're okay." I said into her shoulder.

Malia was sitting straight up staring into space.

Stiles went over to her and tried to talk to her. She ignored him and when he tried to touch her she pushed him away.

She got up and threw a piece of paper down along with his jacket.

I watched her walk away and when I looked back at Stiles he crumpled a paper in his hands.

"We need to go get you checked out, how long have you been here?" Kira asked a tear rolling down her eyes.

"Not too long, let's just go home." I said picking her up.

We both got up and we left a frustrated Stiles sitting in the vault.

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