Chapter 9

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Early that day Liam asked me to go running with he and Mason. Of course I said yes, so I got changed and went to the trail.

When I got there I saw Liam in all black.

I waved and he smiled at me and Mason did too.

When we started running Mason and Liam were talking.

I guess Liam was so stressed he just went faster instead of listening to Mason.

I ran after him.

"Liam, Liam!" I shouted to him.

He stopped and looked back at me.

"S-sorry. I'm just,"

"Hey, its ok. I get it. Let's go back," I was struck and stunned by the massive amount of metal hitting me in the side.

I landed hard on the ground next to Liam in pain.

I groaned and my vision blurred as I struggled to move.

I heard footsteps next to me and looked behind me and saw Garret.

"Hey Liam, sorry I didn't make it to movie night. I had bigger plans. Should've brought this pretty girl." he said.

I tried to get up but I couldn't.

I felt a sharp pain in my side and felt fussy after that.

I heard Liam groan a few times and his groans got farther away.

Soon I felt my body lifted from the ground and then on a cold surface.

I felt Liams warm hand and gripped it lightly.
Later I knew that car stopped when I felt Liam's hand ripped away from me.

Then my body felt the rush of cold air.

"Sorry, don't really know you, but you can't know me." he said.

I felt my body rush downward and then hit cold water.

I immediately became aware and my body began moving again.

When I broke the surface I took in a breath and looked around. I saw Liam and he was breathing heavy.

"Liam, are you okay?" I asked him.

He spit out water. "Yeah, I'm okay." he groaned.

I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him toward me.

I felt his torso and felt two wounds.

"You're not okay."

He put his hands on my stomach then sides.

I groaned when he touched my open wound.

"Neither are you." He said.

We stared at each other for a while.

"We need to get out of here."

We looked around and Liam started to climb the walls.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I yelled.

He grunted while he talked to me.

"I'm gonna, try to climb out." After another grunt her fell and I got splashed with water.

I tried to climb after he did and only got a few inches farther than he did before rock crumbled and I fell.

"You alright?"

I nodded.

"Well for here, ah." he held his side.

I started to feel weakness and burning where I was stabbed.

He tried to climb once again and got no where.

He yelled and punched the stone wall.

His knuckles were bleeding and had yellow residue in them.

I grabbed his hand and examined the knuckle.

"We're gonna get out of this." I said as I rubbed him hand.

He looked at me. His eyes were filled witj sincerity snd a look I had never seen before. He inched toward my face and his lips touched mine.

He pulled my body into his with his hand and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

My lips moved with his and then he stopped and pulled away.

"Turning makes you heal." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"At the party, Scott said that I broke through the glass and messed my hands up."

I nodded and listened closely.

"He said, when I turned I healed. Maybe if we turn, then we'll heal." He explained.

"But how?"

He sighed. "I don't know, but we have to keep trying."

He climbed the wall again.

He took a while but soon he got close enough that he almost made it.

"Keep going."

He coughed. "I-I can't."

He started yelling and that tell, turned into a howl.

He stayed there.

"Stay up there, I'm coming."

I began climbing to where he was and slipped a few times.

I was almost there but Liam started fading.

"Liam, Liam no!"

He started falling but he was caught.

I looked up at Scott who was holding Liam.

He pulled him up then held his hand out for me to grab.

"Come on Nina, grab my hand." He said.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

I wrapped my hands around his shoulders to embrace him.

"Thank you, Scott."

I let go and looked over at Liam.

"Told you we'd make it out."

He hugged me I hugged him back.
I say and watched as a veterinarian cut into Liam's chest and yellow smoke escaped from the open cut.

"That's what has to happen to me?" I wake shivering.

"I'm afraid so. The wolfsbane is in your body but not the organs so once I make the cut it will no longer make you sick." the doctor explained.

I nodded and Scott ran his wrist over Liams hair.

"I can't keep letting people die. From now on, no one gets hurt, no one dies."

"That's a big burden to carry Scott."

"I don't care. No one else."

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