Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

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Gerard's POV

The courtroom was humid. I felt extremely uncomfortable in my suit. This isn't where I want to be.

Violet's POV

"But Violet! I'm not even tired! Can you read me one more story?" Bandit pleaded, "Please?"

"No," I said firmly, "It's 9:00, 30 minutes past your bedtime. And I already read you two stories. Bee, it's time for you to go to sleep."


"No buts except yours under the covers."

"Violet, can you sing to me?" Bandit asked me and crawled into my lap. She's so adorable.

"Okay, I will sing to you. Just one song. And you have to promise to go to sleep right after I finish." I said.

"I promise, Violet," Bandit said and climbed into bed. I tucked her in and sat on the edge of the bed.

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends...

By the time I finished the song Bandit's eyes were closed and she was asleep. I kissed her forehead, "Never grow up." I whispered and turned out the light.

Gerard and Lindsey should be home soon. They went to my court hearing. Colton and Crystal are trying to get custody so I can live with them. God, I really hope Lindsey and Gerard win. I don't want to leave here.

Gerard's POV

Me and Lindsey got in the car. My hands were shaking. I can't believe that just happened.

Violet's POV

I heard the front door open. I ran to the door. My parents were home.

Gerard wrapped me in a huge hug, "I love you, sunshine." He whispered.

"Did we win?" I asked him.

"No Violet, we didn't win."


We didn't win. I'm going to live with Colton and Crystal. I sat down on the floor and pulled my legs up to my chest. Oh God. This is actually happening.

Gerard sat next to me, "We tried so hard. We pulled out everything we could. But those bastards gave him the ruling. You're going to live with them on Friday."

Friday? That was 4 days from now. 4 more days with my real family. How am I going to tell Jinx I'm leaving? How am I going to tell Dallas?

"This should never have happened," Gerard mumbled, "I should have never have let it happen. This is all my fault! I'm a horrible father."

I scooted closer to Gerard, "Stop blaming yourself. You're the best father in the whole fucking world." I said. And I meant it.

His eyes filled up with tears, "That is the best thing anyone has ever said to me."

Lindsey joined us on the kitchen floor, "This is bullshit," she said, "Complete bullshit. They never should have won."

"I-I don't want to live with them." I stammered.

"I know Vi," Lindsey said, "We don't want you to leave either."

---4 days later----

Gerard carried the last of my boxes to the caseworker's car. "I'll give you guys 15 minutes for goodbyes," she said, "Then we have to leave."

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