Chapter seven

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Chapter 7
Carson Mallory

        I have made her upset. I shouldn't have said those unpleasant words to hurt her. It's just that I was so angered by her. It was a mistake and I have come to realize that I don't want her to dislike me. First of all, she was wrong about Paola and I though. What we had before was done. Past tense. I knew that we would never get back together. Even if she pressures me to. Plus, if I chase one more skirt flying my way then my father would surely disown me.

Well, maybe Austen was right about one thing.

I wrong too. I was indeed flirting with my former mistress. I know the action itself was idiotic but I wanted to see her reaction. To see if she cares for me, I guess...

-During the party-

     I was having a conversation with a group of elites. Though, my mind was clouded on Austen's whereabouts.

Where is she anyway?

Just moments ago she was with me and now, she had mysteriously disappeared behind my back. Should I go and look for her?

"Well, hello there handsome." I heard someone purr behind my back. I turned around and recognized that it was my ex, Paola Pascale.

"Fancy seeing you here" I said naturally. Her presence doesn't bother me one bit for I don't feel anything for her.

I do not like her anymore. I was through with her and you can see why. As I took a look at Paola, I've noticed that she wears more makeup and skimpy clothes than ever. The fake tans do not suit her. I cringed. I can't believe I dated her. But that is not the reason why I don't want to date her; I don't want to go out with her anymore because of her darn attitude.

That woman changed. And it's not in a good way unlike Austen.

She used to be so simple and natural when I first started seeing her. Then, she gained fame from me and became a famous model. She now became busy and had less time for our relationship; thus, deciding to break up with her.

Paola doesn't even compare to Austen though. Because compared to her, Austen is on the more natural and beautiful side. Maybe that's why she is able to turn heads or light up a room with a single smile.

Hey, I am being truthful! She really does have attractive features.

Touching my shoulder, she whines, "I've missed you, Carson. And I know you have missed me too." 

Yeah, right. I certainly do not! I grabbed her wrist and removed it from my body. Looking back at my mates, they were all flabbergasted to whoever it was behind me. I brushed it off for I had no interest in meeting some new celebrity or money-grabbing model.

My friend, Damian wasn't discreet in showing his admiration though. He gasped out loud, "Dio mio, bellissimo."

Beautiful? Men should really stop panting over some new star or celebrity. It's getting old.

Speaking of beauty, I haven't seen Austen yet.

Where the devil is she? It was only then that I've realized that she was not here in the party.

Austen just vanished. I knew she was here for she couldn't leave without telling me first. I was her only transportation here and I sure as hell know that she doesn't know the way back. Maybe I'll wait for her to approach me.

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