Chapter 6.

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The next morning at breakfast everyone was quiet it had been three days since they had last spoken to Ezra and at the time he could bearly stand nevermind talk.

                  "Kanan?" Asked Hera "how is  your leg today? "

"Its getting better, it still aches sometimes'' he replied with a smile to lighten the mood.

"You could get a peg leg'' joked Sabine, everyone laughed and chuckled.

                   Suddenly the door swooshed open, click, click, click.The sound of a cruch entered the room everyone paused 

"I'm glad to hear you've all missed me" said a weak but friendly voice.

Kanan gasped  "Ezra!" his eyes lit up as Ezra limped in everyone stood up smiling, happy to see their friend once more.

             Ezra stood next to Kanans seat. "Its great to see u looking well Ezra, we thought you would be unconscious for alot longer" said Zeb still smiling  "ha no way Zeb I am a fighter any what happened that I'm like this?" asked Ezra.

      Everyone's jaws dropped immediately  "Ezra, you saved my life? And your own? How do you not remember? " Asked Kanan worried and confused.

"what?" Replied Ezra "was that when ..... eh ... " he paused  "I dont reme...." he looked around at everyone and then made a panicked facial expression "did I .... use the dark side of the force'' his voice was week and he started to shiver.

     Kanan quickly stood beside him leaning against the wall Ezra grasped his bandaged chest  "Ezra!" Shouted Sabine, but he collapsed into kaynan who fell back on his seat holding Ezra  "hes freezing! Shouted kaynan".

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