Chapter 2

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''What happened Hera?"Said Kanan louder"is he......"he said horrified.

''No! hes just .... not waking up'' said Sabine disappointedly "why! what's wrong! is he ok?" He asked in a Panic.

Sabine sighed "His hand is broken and his wrist, he has a dislocated ankle and eh he's wounded, badly across his stomach and chest" Sabine said looking down to the floor.

''How in the galaxy did he get me and himself back to the ghost?'' Asked Kanan astonished

"That's what we've been trying to figure out" questioned Hera

"ok,ok I just need to go and see him I think I can help ...." he replied.

Kanan went to the edge of the seat and tried to stand up but immediately came back down because his leg was too weak to stand on. He leaned on the table and tried again.

"Ok Kanan , firstly you can't walk and secondly Ezra will wake up in his own time" said Hera reassuringly. At that moment the door opened Zeb and ducked in "Hera, you might want to see this"

'Zeb what is it?" Asked Hera anxiously."it's Ezra" he replied. "I'm coming!" Announced Kanan. "No you're....." started Hera but was interrupted by Zeb "I think Kanan should come" he said promoting the others to hurry.

They went to Ezras room,Hera supporting Kanan's badly cut leg with Zeb leading the way and Sabine following. Zeb opened the door and everyone stood as they watched in amazement .

"How?" gasped Sabine kaynan watched curiously and Zeb and Hara stared in curiosity into the room. "Oh?"said Kanan "I think I know what's happening?"

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