"Aca-scuse me? You can sing." I said.

"Yeah, no. I can't." I rolled my eyes at her.

A knock on the door pulled us from the movie. "I've got it." I told her. I rose off the couch, candy wrappers falling in the process. I opened the door revealing Olivia.

"Uh, hi." She said. 

"Hi." I said back, smiling. Alana walked up behind me and gasped.

"Can I talk to you, please?" Olivia said. I looked at Alana and her eyes widened.

"Uh, sure." I opened the door wider, to let her in. I walked into the kitchen with Olivia behind me. Alana had gone back to watching the movie, even though I knew that she was listening to us.

"Would you like anything to drink?' I asked as I motioned for her to sit at the table.

"Oh, no. I'm good, thanks." I took a seat beside her and she started talking.

"I am so sorry. I had no idea that Harry was going to do that. I don't even know him." She started. "After he kissed me, I pushed him away. He kept saying "Oh my gosh, Presley. She's going to kill me."  After that i didn't talk to him or look at him, but my boyfriend called me and was freaking out at me. He broke up with me over the phone and he didn't even let me explain." Her voice started shaking. "He hates me now. I am so so so sorry Presley."

Tears started streaming down her face and my eyes widened. I awkwardly patted her back, trying to make her feel better. "It's okay." I said to her. 

She looked at me, with red teary eyes. "It is?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I'm not mad at you or Harry."

She gave me a bewildered look. Before she could speak Alana came in.

"Um, Presley, we have a situation." She said. I rose from the table and followed her to the door where a woman holding a baby was standing. She had a ten year-old looking boy standing behind her and a girl and a boy around six running around her feet. 

"Here she is." Alana said to the woman.

"Hello, Presley. I"m Mrs. Meyer from down the hall. I have to go to an important meeting and I was wondering if you could babysit for me?"

I looked at Alana and she shook her head. "Sure!" I said enthusiastically. "We'd love to!" I slung an arm around Alanas shoulder and she grunted.

"Oh thank you! I should only be about two hours." She handed the baby to Alana and gave me the diaper bag. She said thank you one more time before walking away. Her kids piled into my apartment.

The boy stuck out his hand. "I'm Christopher, that's Alice and Allan, thet're twins. The baby is Britt." I shook his hand, Olivia walked out of the kitchen and Alana handed Britt to her.

"Here you go." Alana said before taking her seat back on the couch. The twins took a seat next to her, cuddling close to her. She rolled her eyes and tried to get some distance between herself and them.

Christopher took a seat on the floor and pulled out a GameBoy. Olivia rocked the baby in her arms, looking confused as to what was going on.


"Thank you guys so much." Mrs. Meyer said, as Olivia handed her the baby.

"You're welcome." I said. Mrs. Meyer smiled as she led her kids down the hall, to their room.

I closed the door and turned to the two girls standing in my apartment. "Are you guys ready?" I asked them.

They looked at each other before looking back at me. "For what?" Olivia asked.

"We're going to get your boyfriend back." I said, grabbing their hands and pulling them out the door.


Sorry for the long wait! I had my final tests, but my schools out now! Thank you guys so much for all the reads and fans, it is crazy. You guys are so awesome. 

I'm sorry if theres any spelling mistakes, I typed this really fast. :)

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