Never Underestimate: 2

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Oh my god only a week to go until summer! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. Haven't got a song suggestion, but if you have any ideas feel free to comment :)

Karma xxx

*Chapter 2*

Jess' POV

Oh I loved plotting and scheming. It’s like my favourite hobby. Well being an assassin it would be. I have lost count of how many necks I’ve snapped. There is a certain way you have to do it. You can either make it quick and painless or cruel and slow. I might seem cold, but I wouldn’t put anyone through that kind of pain so I make it quick and painless. However if I came across the RAGE crooneys that ruined my life it would be a total exception altogether.

Anyway back to the plan. Today in the life of living in an academy or as me, Lacey and Crystal like to call it ‘The nunnery’ we are going to destroy someone. No I’m not going to kill them, I usually only kill men, because it’s easier for Crystal on her seduction, but I have killed females; that was only when Crystal would befriend them and ask to ‘hang out’ which never ended great...for them.

We were going to destroy a reputation. I knew how important that was in high school, to me no although us three had become quite popular. But personally I just think it’s because of how great we look together. And how mysterious.

Lacey has got beautiful red hair that rests on her shoulders and silver blue shiny eyes. She is a genius. Inside and out. And a little insane, but you see all the best people are. And Crystal being Spanish has inherited that olive coloured skin, but golden blonde hair. I’m not surprised she can get all of them boys.

Although neither would admit it, too modest. And me. Well I’m...I’m ice cold. I’m a mystery to anyone I meet. I’m not an open book, I don’t express my feelings to the world I keep them hidden, I only reveal them to people close to me and even then no one will know some things about me, but you can see it just from my features. I think it’s because I have long jet black hair, brown eyes that literally look like black holes and pale white skin.

It was the beginning of assembly and I had sneaked past everyone successfully to put the plan into place. Lacey and Crystal had input their own ideas, but I had add my little touch. I’m thinking of getting a symbol. It would be cool. I could mark the bodies of my victims. But even Phyllis the airhead knew that wasn’t a great idea considering what happened last time.

She’s popular and she’s someone who values that all too well. I have no idea why because she’s such a bitch. She has her own little gang of simpletons too. She’s a slut to top it al. But I guess it makes me laugh that she wears bras like three sizes over to make her boobs look big. It’s just her rich mummy and daddy that would get her through school and breaking all the rules in the process.

I walked into the auditorium steady pace and calm something I had perfected over many years. There was a space beside Lacey and Crystal. I couldn’t wait until assembly started, which was very unusual. This assembly would be different, this would be fun. I know it sounds strange and evil, but I got a kick out of seeing my enemies run around like mad dogs in panic.

I looked around at the huge audience. Everyone wore the school uniform which required a school shirt, blazer and trousers for the boys then a blouse, blazer and a twenty- inch skirt for the girls. Crystal often broke this rule, though I didn’t blame her, the uniform was so uncomfortable. I usually wore a skirt a lot shorter than that, but compared to what Crystal chose to wear my skirt was long. I think she was kind of protesting in her own little way.

You also had to wear flat shoes that made you look like a boy. Which is why me and Crystal trotted around in sexy black heels. I think the teachers eventually just got fed up of trying to get us to wear the uniform and left us alone.

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