Chapter 1

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Karen P.O.V

Recording: "It's the day after Angela has been found dead. No one is sad about her death. Everyone is curious as to who did it and why. Angela was not liked very well at this school. Anyone could have done it. I'm going to have to talk to her groupies."


I walked into the cafeteria and saw Angela's groupies sitting at the table in the far back. So I took a seat at a nearby table.

As I ate, I listened carefully to their conversation. To my surprise they acually were upset about Angela's death. Now that didn't make sense.

"I bet it was that creepy girl from the party that kept giving Angela those evil looks," Britta said. Britta is very observant but she's also incredibly stupid, but her family has lots of money so of course she is the closest to Angela. She would be very helpful to my mission, and my ticket into the inside of Angela's life.

"Who the heck imvited that nobody to the party anyway?" Gigi replied. Gigi is slightly smarter than Britta, but still pretty stupid her family was wealthy but not to the extent of Britta. She is so entirely wrapped up in being popular and not hanging out with nobodies.

"I told you guys we were being followed," teased Jared. Jared is HOT. I'm talking Robert Downey Jr meets Taylor Lautner; captain of the football team, perfect hair, stunning smile, husky laugh, sparkling teeth, piercing blue eyes, carmel hair with natural honey highlights, flawlessly tan... He is like the god of hot! But Jared is smart he is in my advanced pre calculus class and we are sophomores. Jared was a nobody but Angela thought he was hot an asked him to be her boyfriend. He said yes and stayed her with her. Angela never talked crap about her boyfriends until they realized what a witch she was and dumped her, so he never dumped her; that was a smart movd. But Jared never liked the girl and hated the bimbo twins, but loved to tease them... So I'm guessing thats why he's still hanging around. That and he has been with them so long that if he leaves for the nerds he might loose his respect on the team, in class, and well everywhere.

"Quit freaking us out like that Jared!" Britta half yelled.

"Yah! Who knows...we could be next!" Gigi panic whispered.

"You two are so paranoid. Whoever killed Angela just wanted her. They were in out and done. The police found no fingerprints, no look of a fight, no source of rummaging, nothing. They said the killer seemed to know exactly where to go, and how to do it leaving no trace." Jared said.

"Hmm could he have an interest in all this?... Naah." I thought quickly rejecting the idea. Probably just listened when the police told him about it.

After seeing the lost looks on Britta and Gigi's faces, Jared switched into a spooky voice and said, "Or maybe it was a witch that cast a spell on Angela and made her kill herself making it seem like someone else did it."

I was just about to get up and talk to them about it all when the bell rang for 6th period.

I swiftly collected my uneaten yet totally mangled food, dumped it into the garbage, and waited for Britta outside. Since they all went to different classes after lunch, i can use this as a chance to out smart Britta, which should not be too hard.

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