"Hey, good morning." He greeted as he saw Jieun came down.


"Eat your breakfast first. I'll take you to your college later."

"No...I've got to be earlier today. I think I'll be going right now."

"Is it? Well...alright. Do you need me to take you there?"

"No. I'm used to walk there. I'll be going now. Bye." Jieun said and stepped out from the house.

Jieun closed the gate behind and her started walking.

"Yah, Seo Jieun!" She heard someone shouted from behind. She turned around and saw that it was Woohyun.

"Why are you here?" Jieun frowned and asked.

"I wouldn't say that I passed by since you won't trust me. I'm here to see you and accompany you to school. And I'll be doing that everyday from now on."

"Why? You're being aggressive all so sudden."

"I realized that Hoya got a good opportunity to get you before me, so I want to spend more time with you, then there will be a chance for us to be together. You said it yourself, you might not accept him."

"Whatever...but please don't come everyday, Woohyun."

"Shireo. I will. And also...I saw a car at your house earlier. Whose car is that? I thought your parents' car had been sold out?"

"Ahh...that one." Jieun mumbled. "It's my neighbor's car." She lied.

"Really? But why is it parked in your house?" Woohyun raised his brows and asked.

Jieun stopped walking and closed her eyes for a while. Woohyun stopped as well and stood in front of her.

"Actually, the car belongs to Howon." Jieun silently said.

"I knew it. I knew that's his car. But what is the car doing there?"

Jieun took a deep breath and said, "He's staying with me now."

"Really? Since when? And why he's staying with you? Does your sister knows about it?"

"He just moved in yesterday. My sister asked him to. I have no choice." Jieun answered.

"Alright. I see. Let's go." Woohyun replied and walked in front of Jieun. Thousands of thoughts were running through his mind. He badly want Jieun say yes to him, but he knew that it's quite impossible. And now, Hoya had divorced, and is staying with her, the chance for Jieun to accept him will be less.

"Hey Woohyun and Jieun!" Jieun heard Sunggyu called when the both of them reached the gate of the college.


"Oppa, you're early today."

"Me early? I overslept though." Sunggyu answered. "Anyways...I have a lot of things to talk about for today!" He said excitedly.

"I'm going to the cafeteria. See you guys later." Woohyun said and headed up by himself.

"What's wrong with him?" Sunggyu asked Jieunn.

"Umm...well...earlier...I told him that Howon is staying with me now...then he doesn't talk to me after that."

"He's jealous. Wait. Hoya is staying with you now? Why? You never tell me."

"I was going to tell. I couldn't find any time. My sister asked him to."

"That'll be good! I'm actually looking forward for the good news of you two, but at the same time, I really feel bad for Woohyun. You should make up with him. You should tell him."

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